

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

Suggestion box

Request the image

We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


* If the memory has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments' .

Remove * If the photographs has known authorship or rights, cite them in the field above 'Comments'.
You can attach up to 5 files of up to 10 MB each.

Informació bàsica de protecció de dades

Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç


És educador i arquitecte. Actualment organitza el Programa de Màster de CRITICAL ARCHITECTURE de l'ESARQ-UIC com a codirector amb Alfons Puigarnau. És PhD Scholar a la Universitat d'Alacant.
Com a educador és i ha estat Full Visiting Professor en les següents escoles i universitats: professor visitant a la SAM FOX School of Arch de Washington U., Ralph Hawkins Visiting Professor a UTA-TEXAS, Visiting Academic a la Universitat de Queensland, Austràlia, professor associat de Projectes a ETSAB-UPC a Barcelona. Va ser director de programa i coordinador de projectes de grau a l’ESARQ-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona. Llicenciat en Disseny a la Universitat de Harvard en Màster en Arquitectura II i màster a la Universitat de Nova York a Buffalo (NY). Sanmartin és becari per als estudis de postgrau als Estats Units i és llicenciat en Arquitectura i Urbanisme per l'ETSAB-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, a Barcelona.

Com a arquitecte, és cofundador d’aZCON ARCHITECTURES SLP amb Guayente Garcia i director que desenvolupa projectes com TEMBO BCN SUITES a Barcelona, la reunió GONJA GHANA SAVANNAH i el Palau de les Comunitats. És soci a aZCON - Kocher Minder ARCHITEKTEN a Thun, Suïssa. Cofundador i co-director amb Elena Cánovas d’aSZ arquitectes, la seva obra inclou edificis públics i privats i espais públics com la Biblioteca Pública de Badalona Can Casacuberta, l'Auditori Rianxo, els edificis CAPUCHINAS per a la Universitat d'Osca, el Sistema de Tramvia de Barcelona o el Museu Etnogràfic d'Astúries a Gijón.

Va ser soci de John Hejduk Arquitecte a Espanya i Project Architect a EISENMAN Architects. Altres col·laboracions professionals inclouen HYBRIDa, Luis Feduchi, José Mª Torres i Ramón Muñoz.
Guardonat amb el FAD, García Mercadal, Écola i altres premis nacionals i internacionals, la bibliografia sobre treballs professionals inclou: “JOHN HEJDUK BUILT” (ASIMETRICAS - ACTAR), “BOMA: 25 anys de pràctica”, “ARQCAT VOL 3”; DAX Nº1; A + U 412; DICCIONARI D'ARQUITECTURA AVANÇAT DE METAPOLIS; BAU 016; GUIA D'ARQUITECTURA a ESPAÑA 1990-2000; QUADERNS nº215, 207, 208, 209; BASA Nº 14; ARQUITECTURA Nº263. La recerca i la bibliografia acadèmica inclou: “PROYECTO i PROCESO. Corredor Ferroviario en SANTS ”; “SECUENCIAS EXTREMAS”, ESARQ-UIC; ETSAB UPC “PROCESO i PROYECTO”; “1A COSA per 2S TIEMPOS - EMPURIES”, ESARQ-UIC; “METAMORFOSI OTRA de BARCELONA”, ESARQ-UIC; “CRÒNICA / RECULL DPA-BCN 2007-2008”, ETSAB-UPC; “13 INCIDENTS 81 INSTRUCCIONES”, ESARQ-UIC; "VENTURI, RAUCH i SCOTT BROWN", Ed. GUSTAVO GILI.


On the Map

All works



  1. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture - Remodelling and Rehabilitation
    Remodelling of Burjassènia House

  2. Dwellings in Sant Feliu de Guíxols

    Ramon Muñoz i Jordán, Robert Pallí i Vert, Rodrigo Prats i San Roman, Antonio Sanmartín Gabás

    Dwellings in Sant Feliu de Guíxols

    Es tracta de dues intervencions aïllades dins una mateixa illa de cases, que assumeixen el compromís d’ordenar l’espai interior, com també l’accés i la bona il·luminació dels locals de la planta baixa. Amb aquesta intenció, s’obre un pas entre els carrers Bourg de Peage i Fortuny, per mitjà de dues grans rampes trencades en arabesc que ordenen el pati de l’illa. La transformació s’opera mitjançant un sistema obert i entrellaçat de plens i buits que queda reflectit a totes les façanes, ja que els elements estructurals formen unes agrupacions en creu que restitueixen la identitat de cada habitatge i eixamplen cap al carrer els reduïts espais interiors.
  3. Extension of Can Casacuberta Library

    ASZ arquitectes, Elena Cánovas Méndez, Antonio Sanmartín Gabás

    Extension of Can Casacuberta Library

    With the expansion, the Can Casacuberta-Espai Betúlia Library now has 4,800m2 and provides the opportunity to offer all the library services and become a cultural centre of reference in the city of Badalona, both in the promotion of reading as in encouraging creativity through words. The Library Service of the Provincial Council of Barcelona has overseen the definition of the programme and equipment until the rehabilitated set on the industrial buildings erected in 1907 is put into service. The Badalona City Council (Josep Massot of the Urban Planning Department and Habitatge-Millora Urbana and Joan Main of the Department of Culture) is the property that, with several interruptions, has contracted the works in several phases. Poch and Moliner carried out a first rehabilitation that reaches half of the buildings. In 1996, the Municipal Institute for the Promotion of Employment (IMPO) commissioned Antonio Sanmartín G. de Azcón with the project and construction management of the library equipment. In 1999, Millora Urbana hired ASZ archuts. S.L. for the completion of the works. The first public library in the city of Badalona was founded in 1929. In 1966, the Library Network of the Barcelona City Council arrived in Badalona with the inauguration of the Popular Library of Sant Anastasi. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the population of Badalona grew. The modernisation and automation of the Library Network began in 1992. Some statistics from the year 2000 indicate 260,000 library visits for a population of 210,000 inhabitants, 50,000 users, 180,000 loans and a total fund of 75,000 books. Espai Betúlia is a facility linked to the Can Casacuberta Library, its mission is to promote the dissemination of words and letters in a very broad sense and their interrelationship with the rest of artistic expressions. Espai Betúlia will have a clear cosmopolitan vocation: it must be a window open to the world that brings us closer to the literary and oral expressions of the world's cultural mosaic. The structure of cast iron pillars and lattices supported the wooden trusses. The project replaces these trusses with asymmetrical trusses supported on riveted latticework. The trusses arranged in an accordion are fixed to each other at the ends and allow the openings to the north-west and south-east to form. The glass is vertical. Light is the sum of cold and warm, and direct radiation is cut off before reaching the work surfaces. The cast pillars only support the roof. The newspaper library of the intermediate level rests on thin legs in the rhomboidal voids of the concrete slab and let in the light. They are also technical equipment (light, air, acoustic improvement, data...). All surfaces of ucume wood, spruce and galvanised sheet are perforated. The concrete roof has been form worked on reeds to avoid bounces. The soil is continuous magnesite with high surface hardness. The roof is finished in zinc. As authors of the project, we add our recognition to the excellent provision of Construccions Sabater and the industrialists who intervened. Especially to Juan López who was the tailor who flattened and sewed the library's geometric zinc mantle.

Bibliography (16)


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