

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2025 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2025 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2025 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres Montse Viu

External Collaborators:

2019-2025 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç

Works (35)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (54)

  1. Arenas House

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Arenas House

    In the streets near the beach of Vilanova, we still find the homes of the "Indians", people who made their fortunes in the Americas at the end of the 19th century. They are constructions with clear references to the colonial world. The Arenas House makes a key, more abstract interpretation of the spatial and dynamic qualities of those.
  2. Remodelling and Improvement of the squares in Gràcia

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Remodelling and Improvement of the squares in Gràcia

    The Villa de Gràcia was annexed to Barcelona at the end of the 19th century. A process of densification then began, which produced an uneven architecture, both in height and quality. Distributed in narrow alleys full of cars and with few public spaces occupied by poorly designed street furniture. Its nine small squares still retain their character today. It was a question, given the little help of the architecture of the neighbourhood, of organising the project from the inside of the space of the squares and reinforcing the peculiarities of each one of them. Emphasising the specific but affirming the fact of belonging to a common environment. It is proposed to replace the surface parking of the squares and reduce the sections of asphalt to a minimum, to enlarge them physically and visually, ordering the service elements rationally.
  3. L'Alzina Schools Complex

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    L'Alzina Schools Complex

    School group that includes all stages, from kindergarten to secondary school. It is located on an irregular block of houses, structured in pavilions, three of which remain in the new project. As splendid trees have grown between them, the isolated organisation on the main axis is respected and a spacious garden is released. One of the new buildings faces the street and absorbs the irregularity of the site, so that it acts as a backdrop for the second, more isolated and precisely defined by the dimensions of the two sports courts on the roof. The structure is reinforced concrete, and the brick covers the façades and forms the divisions and interior spaces. In the windows, the trumeau solution is adopted which allows to hide the guides of two roller blinds, necessary for their dimensions, as well as the central uprights of the leaves. In this way, changes of scale are hinted at in the fenestration.
  4. Pilot Station for FGC Railways: Muntaner Station

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Pilot Station for FGC Railways: Muntaner Station

    Due to a commission by Ferrocarrils Metropolitans de Barcelona, a proposal was made to standardise the entire design of the metro lines. It was about projecting the entire set of rules and station signs. In this way, the Ferrocarrils technicians refurbished many stations; small interventions to remodel the underground stations. These projects are proposed with voluntary discretion so that they offer a repertoire of sizes capable of dignifying these infrastructures. Thus, the patterned cladding with white marble, in alternating colours, is found along the entire line. The lighting enhances the service areas but does not deprive the vision of the roof, generally a vault, which serves as a support. The ribbed design of the pavement is an important visual improvement, while allowing it to be used outdoors. Finally, it is worth noting the design of the glass lockers, the electromagnet control steps and the benches and litter bins.
  5. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Restoration
    Pilot Station for FGC Railways: Muntaner Station

  6. FAD Award

    Shortlisted. Category: Architecture
    L'Alzina Schools Complex

  7. Rodríguez House

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Rodríguez House

    Casa de molt limitat pressupost que es redueix a allò essencial i s'organitza dins d'una forma elemental en dues plantes, sobre el terreny pla d'una anodina urbanització propera al mar.
  8. Francesc Aldea School

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Francesc Aldea School

    Located in Terrassa, in what used to be a fantastic landscape and which is currently a meeting point of various images such as a motorway, a supermarket, an area of blocks and an urbanisation of marginal housing, the school needed a strong and unitary image that would distinguish it from the expressive chaos that surrounds it. Therefore, it is designed to resemble old industrial warehouses or agricultural buildings from the beginning of the century, easily identifiable and with its own specific weight. The school is located parallel to the access. The slope of the land allows a gap between the two bodies of the building, a difference in level that is used to give greater height to the assembly hall, emphasising the symbolic nature of this space.
  9. FGC Railway Station: Universitat Autònoma

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    FGC Railway Station: Universitat Autònoma

    The small station of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Bellaterra, designed and built in a very short time, had to partially adapt an existing staircase and tunnel. The project has two purposes: the first, to obtain an architecture with the dimension and entity appropriate to the place and its significance despite its reduced programme; the second, to find a formal solution to the different requirements of the façades on the platforms and on the avenue. Thus, the building is projected from a wall parallel to the train tracks that articulates, on one corner, a canopy held with braces that covers the entire platform and, on the other, a semi-detached body, covered and opaque in which a large lowered arch that houses the small pieces of the programme inside opens, at the same time that, centered on the axis of the avenue, it provides an end with more property. In the section of the wall that has no construction, the flight of the canopy is compensated by buttresses. The finishes, with small pieces of stoneware and strips of white marble, follow the proposal for the entire line.
  10. FAD Award

    Shortlisted. Category: Architecture
    FGC Railway Station: Universitat Autònoma

  11. Sant Vicenç dels Horts Primary Healthcare Centre

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Sant Vicenç dels Horts Primary Healthcare Centre

    The Sant Vicenç dels Horts Primary Healthcare Centre is located on a flat plot of land, with an almost square surface, located within an urban plot of little interest and with a single dignified front facing the main road. A single floor is proposed in the entire surface and two in the main façade, with the aim of creating an appropriate image for a public building. The other façades are configured by an inexpressive perimeter enclosure. The floor plan revolves around a circular courtyard with a tree with a generous crown, which acts as a plant dome, in the centre. Around it, the patient circulation and waiting areas are located. The offices are located on the perimeter, protected from the direct view from the street by a courtyard.
  12. FAD Award

    Shortlisted. Category: Arquitectura - Edificis de Nova Planta
    Sant Vicenç dels Horts Primary Healthcare Centre

  13. Can Gasset Dwellings

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Can Gasset Dwellings

    L’edifici completa una illa de cases ocupada per un palau neoclàssic i adopta la seva disposició general a partir d’aquesta referència. El nou edifici respecta l’eix de simetria del vell palau, disposant una única entrada central que condueix a un pati posterior de relació i circulacions. A la mitgera amb l’antic edifici s’hi adossa un cos baix, de planta baixa més un pis, que conté dos habitatges per planta, amb accés directe des del pati. El bloc principal, separat del palau, adopta una configuració de castell, amb els cossos de les cantonades més alts. S’accedeix als habitatges del bloc a través del pati, directament a les caixes d’escala. Les sales d’estar i les cuines donen a la façana interior i emfasitzen la importància del pati com a espai que vertebra tot l’edifici. El conjunt tanca l’illa de cases amb la forta referència del monument a tocar de la mitgera, que determina l’estricta regularitat de la disposició.
  14. Josep Maria Jujol School

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Josep Maria Jujol School

    In a high-density area in the Gràcia neighbourhood, the Barcelona City Council must build a CEIP school. It was decided to use the site of the Tallers Manyach factory, the work of Josep Mª Jujol, built in 1916, which is in a terrible state of conservation and is both protected and cataloged. Opting to build a school building on the façade of the Riera de Sant Miquel between the partitions, using the site prior to Jujol’s workshops, a 4-storey school is built, with the multi-sports court on the roof and preserving the warehouses of the old Manyach factory converted into school play porches. The restoration was complex due to the poor state of the metal structure that supported the base of the partitioned vaults. He forced it to be replaced or reinforced, depending on the case, all the vaults, all exposed buttresses and skylights were restored and waterproofed. The Jujol factory is separated from the new school through a courtyard where the restored ovens are located and the lower part is glazed to give transparency to the new functions of the factory, turning it into a large space covered with games for the children. Having lost its original colours, it was repainted with colours taken from the architect's palette and is offered as an "objet trouvé" in the block’s patio.
  15. Nursery of Torre Balldovina School

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Nursery of Torre Balldovina School

    A small kindergarten was to be built in the small playground of a public school on the metropolitan outskirts. The project proposes to build in height by closing the garden on its rear façade so that it is reduced as little as possible. At this point and given that the plot is in an irregular residential chamfer, between a high average and a non-buildable private sports green space, a terraced arrangement is proposed, so that the classrooms have a sunny exit to the outside with views of the neighbouring trees. The middle is covered and the chamfer, complete with a dignified end since it cannot close on itself. The whole is valued by building a unitary light roof that gives it scale and the appearance of a public building - the clock also helps, in addition to offering a pleasant, covered terrace in the shade for playing.
  16. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Buildings of new plant for public use
    Nursery of Torre Balldovina School

  17. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner (ex aequo). Category: Architecture - Remodelling and Rehabilitation
    Josep Maria Jujol School

  18. Mercè Rossell i Domènech School of Viticulture and Oenology

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Mercè Rossell i Domènech School of Viticulture and Oenology

    The school is located near a small plateau in the wine region of El Penedès. It completes old agricultural buildings such as a country house and part of the attached cellars. Most of the new buildings are located on the north side of the property, creating an open courtyard in the manner of traditional agricultural spaces. An old right-of-way requires the new one to be connected to the existing one, by means of a bridge and an underpass. Part of the old constructions are absorbed by the new constructions, such as the small country house integrated into the main entrance, or the ruins at the northern end, carefully valued by the opening of the assembly hall. The construction is erected with load-bearing walls of brick and exposed prefabricated concrete beams. The school contains classrooms, laboratories, assembly hall, student residence and restaurant.
  19. Raventós Blanc Cava Cellars

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Raventós Blanc Cava Cellars

    The new agricultural complex for the production of cava is located on a large estate, opposite the old Codorniu wineries, designed by Josep Puig and Cadafalch. The project considers the view of the Montserrat mountain, as well as the presence of a century-old oak tree, the ancestral symbol of the company. The complex is organised around two courtyards, one circular and the other rectangular, which configure a plan in the shape of a sickle, the tool used in field work. The circular courtyard gives access to the representative buildings, while the second courtyard is the centre of agricultural tasks, and has the cellars and offices around its perimeter. The cellars are covered by a system of dihedrals held with braces that allow the distributed entry of light and recall the forms of covering of industrial warehouses at the beginning of the century. The roofs are of flat tiles and the overhangs have been covered with sandstone.
  20. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Interior Design - Public, Commercial and Professional Interiors
    Refurbishment of the Fifth floor of the Architects' Association of Catalonia (COAC)

  21. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner (ex aequo). Category: Buildings of new plant for private use
    Raventós Blanc Cava Cellars

  22. Perill Sports Complex

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Perill Sports Complex

    The lack of space in the central neighbourhood of Gràcia in Barcelona gave rise to this proposal for a multi-sports building developed in height. The possibility of using the roof of the inner courtyard of the chamfer, about six metres high above the narrow street, adds complexity to it. The building rationally juxtaposes the various uses vertically: from lower to higher structural light, from lower to higher need for natural light and from higher to lower influx of use. The desire to translate, in an episode of architecture, the relationship of all the various spaces originates the appearance of a generous staircase full of natural light on a high wall of white tiles that runs between the lobby and the central exterior courtyard, where the pool opens.
  23. Refurbishment of the Fifth floor of the Architects' Association of Catalonia (COAC)

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Refurbishment of the Fifth floor of the Architects' Association of Catalonia (COAC)

    The secretary’s office floor had been designed by Antoni Moragas i Gallissà. The COAC’s board considered that it had become obsolete, so they commissioned a total renovation of the floor. The new floor has been incorporated into the new lobby to make the reception space bigger and, consequently, three areas have been created: closed offices, a panoramic office and the third archive office. In the project parts of the old interior have been recovered to keep the memory of the COAC’s history.
  24. Remodelling of the Arts Centre of the Caixa de Pensions Foundation

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Remodelling of the Arts Centre of the Caixa de Pensions Foundation

    The “La Caixa” Cultural Centre is located in the Macaya Palace (Puig i Cadafalch, 1901), a historical-artistic monument of national interest, which was a modernist private residence. Later on, it was adapted, together with the annexes, for cultural use and became one of the most active centres in the city in terms of exhibition programming. It still preserves the façades, the entrance and the central courtyard with the staircase going up to the main floor, which is in very good condition. The interiors, on the other hand, have been deeply remodeled. The order aims to adapt the entrance, cover the patio and re-design the exhibition rooms. The most delicate point is the entrance, which was hidden among service pieces. The arrangement of the entrance ramp and the hollowness of the wall provide this space with a more public character. The same happens with the windows on the ground floor, which were boarded up and opened again, bringing life back to the façade by incorporating the bookstore service.
  25. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Interior Design - Remodelling and Rehabilitation
    Remodelling of the Arts Centre of the Caixa de Pensions Foundation

  26. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Buildings of new plant for public use
    Perill Sports Complex

  27. Telephone Exchange

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Telephone Exchange

    En el punt de confluència de les fortuïtes alineacions de carrers d’una barriada vertical contemporània de Reus, es situa aquesta peça composada, com és usual, de dos parts desiguals: equip i oficines. La decisió de tractar-les de forma unitària, en continuïtat, i la corba de la façana com a mitjà de transcendir els límits irregulars del solar, són les dues decisions principals, tot i que, conceptualment, l'horitzontalitat de les finestres es planteja com a opció, des de l'idea del públic, a la verticalitat dominant de la multiplicitat del privat.
  28. Extension of Corachan Clinic (Phase 2)

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Extension of Corachan Clinic (Phase 2)

    The expansion of the Corachan Clinic is considered as the need to give typological expression to the existing heterogeneity. To achieve this, a new urban plan was drafted that adapted the adjacent area to hospital use and allowed the extension with volumes similar to that used in the rest of Gironella Square, where the extension had the façade and the complex, the new and significant entrance. The addition is a block with a U-shaped central corridor, which continues on each floor challenging the existing and structural corridors, around the courtyards. The curvilinear section that supports the main façade opens to accommodate the block of elevators and stairs that thus indicate its end, while the curve bends the façade towards the set’s centre of gravity and indicates belonging to the main body. The main façade is paved with white marble pieces and with a grey granite plinth. The rear parts are covered with ocher stucco. The marble pieces located in the corner of the façade are supported by a stainless-steel structure, facilitating the release of the wall and the discreet lighting and ventilation of the staircase. The veining is transparent towards the interior during daytime, and towards the exterior at nighttime.
  29. Uriach House

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Uriach House

    Simple volumes, large deck plans, overhangs that protect the house from the sun and rain, porches, contrast between the outside space and the introverted spaces of the courtyard, water collected in them... These are themes of vernacular architecture that are reinterpreted in this house located on an irregular and extensive plot in the town of L’Ametlla del Vallès.
  30. Solid Waste Incinerator Plant

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Solid Waste Incinerator Plant

    Una planta incineradora de residus sòlids urbans és bàsicament una fosa o contenidor amb una àrea de descàrrega, un pont-grua que eleva les restes fins els forns i una sèrie d'elements que permeten extreure energia del procés en forma d'aigua calenta i electricitat. Es planteja, doncs, una distinció entre la part “mecànica” del procés i la “tècnica” de transformació, que treballa amb elements manufacturats –tubs, conductes, generadors, filtres... – dissenyats com un conjunt des de l'enginyeria. En conseqüència, es projecta la primera com una arquitectura de grans caixes cúbiques, i simplement s'ordena i exterioritza el potencial expressiu de la segona. Els materials utilitzats per donar textura als diferents volums cúbics són bàsicament el formigó in situ, els prefabricats de formigó en placa i la planxa de ferro galvanitzat col·locada horizontalment en l'interior del bloc de formigó vist.
  31. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Buildings of new plant for public use
    Extension of Corachan Clinic (Phase 2)

  32. FGC Railway Station: Can Ros

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    FGC Railway Station: Can Ros

    The small stop of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, on the outskirts of the rural town, is in the centre of the city. The line, due to the topography, runs elevated with respect to the historic core and at level with the rear periphery. There has never been more than a platform and an innumerable underpass, low and narrow. The project matches the underground station and the pedestrian crossing. Each of the two tracks bridges the space of the lobby and leaves between them an entrance of natural light that matches the width of the single central platform. The canopy that covers it extends as a cover for this space, which in this way offers a dimension and a character which is appropriate to its public function. To separate the trains from this focus of light and avoid the rain, two cut-out walls are erected as a metaphor for the railway.
  33. Terrassa Olympic Stadium

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Josep Maria Domènech, Carles Escudé Muncunill, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Terrassa Olympic Stadium

    The Abat Marcet sports area in Terrassa, with an extension of about 14ha, had to be remodeled to host the field hockey competitions of the 1992 Summer Olympics. The treatment of the main piece was the origin of the entire intervention. It is an unfinished semi-underground stadium with two levels of stands. The creation of a third level in height is not recommended and it is proposed to bury those that would have been emerging parts so as not to enter into a competition with the neighbouring buildings and the view of the periphery. On the other hand, the main tribune is aired, and the iron structures are distinguished from the concrete ones, pushing back the tension pillar of the main section and obtaining a long and curved "stoa" of fine pillars as a new and emblematic façade. Four high metal lighting towers, counterbalanced by light canopies in unstable balance emphasise the corners. The rest of the areas are treated, consequently, in the same way: modelling of the horizontal space through terraces, walls, passable roofs - such as the entrance to the semi-underground gym -, punctuated by a field of objects such as triangular skylights, lighting towers, large, curved roofs in isolated pieces...
  34. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture - Remodelling and Rehabilitation
    Terrassa Olympic Stadium

  35. Telephone Exchange in Vila Olímpica

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Telephone Exchange in Vila Olímpica

    The Special Plan for the Olympic Village proposes a series of door-to-door buildings, straddling the end of the Eixample and the town's own layout, next to the sea. These are unique buildings not intended for residence but for various activities, such as services. Icària Avenue becomes one of the main commercial areas of the town and has four of these unique buildings. Telefónica's head office is located at the confluence with Joan d’Àustria Street. We have proposed it as the union of two independent bodies, both functionally and aesthetically. They are connected by a bridge over the street and a common basement. The volume of the rectangular floor, practically blind, contains the telephone equipment and machinery, while the elliptical and glazed, the offices. The prismatic body is clad in stone, with a collapsed façade that recedes to get more interior space. The elliptical one is covered with corrugated aluminum sheet, adopting this geometry to achieve slimness, as it has a lower height. The junction above the street contains the communication ramps and a multipurpose rest room with mountain and sea views. The two figures create an interesting formal tension with what these symbolic buildings of the town imply, solving the heavy iconographic problem of a step, bridge or portal and offering a convenient image of a public building.
  36. Premis Bonaplata

    Menció Especial. Category: Arquitectura - Nova Realització Industrial
    Solid Waste Incinerator Plant

  37. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Arquitectura - Edificis de Nova Planta, Obres de Reforma o Rehabilitació d'Edificis Existents
    FGC Railway Station: Sabadell-Estació

  38. Complex of 90 Social Housing Units

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Complex of 90 Social Housing Units

    The neighbourhood of Torreguitart, which began to be built in the mid-1980s with strictly aligned red brick buildings, had to be completed at one of the main intersections of Sabadell's road belt on which it is supported. The proposal, logically, is based on the continuity of the blocks, but introducing a Z-shaped break, thus freeing the front space, open to the "peripheral disorder" and away from the road crossing and elevated above the traffic, in order to offer greater comfort and visual dominance over the environment. Paved with the same red clay as the façade, it offers itself as a "square" and gateway to the shady "park" at the back. The square is bounded with the road belt by a lower block of light brick houses that fits better in scale and gives an end to the whole set. The regulation of officially protected housing practically prevents any typological variation. Small advances have been made in this project by placing the elevator and entrances on the façade, thus achieving sunny lobbies and landings and a structuring of the home from public rooms to private rooms as we go inside.
  39. Extension of the FGC Railway Station: Universitat Autònoma

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Extension of the FGC Railway Station: Universitat Autònoma

    Confronting the small station of 1984 with a larger and more complex structure necessary for the establishment of the double line (the initial cul-de-sac disappears) represents an important conceptual difficulty. The existing station had been conceived as a wall parallel to the train tracks that presented, on each of its sides, two well-differentiated episodes: the light canopy, suspended from the wall itself by cables, and the compact body in the one that opened the large, lowered access arch and that contained the station's offices. In the new approach, the idea of the wall and the canopy is maintained, but with a different formalisation to the first project. The new station is conceived as a large nave with a single light saved by visible beams of a special profile that go beyond the closure of the main façade, thus allowing an external transitional space in the access to the station. These beams bifurcate a little before crossing the wall that separates the platform and support the canopy that covers it. As was the case in the first station, in the areas of the wall where there are no buildings, the canopy bar braces are offset by buttresses. A light curved metal cover, which goes over the enclosures and the wall itself, envelops the whole complex.
  40. FGC Railways Central Workshop and Operations Centre

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    FGC Railways Central Workshop and Operations Centre

    Three large pieces and a small, fixed control core between large landscapes of tracks were the starting point of the operating centre of the Railways of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Rubí, where the workshops and part of the offices are gathered, thus, away from the congestion of the central metropolitan area. It is a large-scale intervention – the large building has more surface area than a block of Cerdà’s Eixample – close to the urban centre of Rubí and the B-30 motorway. The 90x130m workshop building is divided into three main bays, as the need to have three crane bridges made sense for a single bay. Each of them is saved by an identical truss that moves with the curvature of the roof, valued by a continuous zenithal light. This steel ship is surrounded by a two-story precast concrete structure - two different techniques and a possibility to distribute skills, deadlines and jobs. Consequently, concrete slabs and corrugated steel lacquered sheets are also alternated. In one of the test rooms, the dining rooms, the separation spaces or conference rooms are attached to the body of offices with freer forms, all more connected and adapted to the limits of the land, and open with a panoramic window to the vision of the metropolitan mobility of the trains themselves or of the nearby motorways.
  41. FGC Railway Station: Sabadell-Estació

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    FGC Railway Station: Sabadell-Estació

    The FGC line is buried when it reaches the Sabadell station. The old building, which follows the pure Catalan railway style, is poorly located on a site scattered with various building types (and largely sunk by the trench of the line itself), and it left almost no space for any trees or for the carriage entrance, now converted into a car park. The covering of the trench and the location of the new station at the closest point of the perimeter streets proposed by the project makes it possible to largely eliminate the railway barrier, by means of the pedestrian crossing. The station, similar in volume to its context, is located on the axis of the two streets it joins. It is clearly visible, as well as from the bottom of the proposed park & ride. The building is structured in red and ochre brick walls and wide horizontal concrete planes. Protected spaces are offered, suitable for the crossing of traffic and, at the same time, they frame the adjacent buildings or the scattered flow of nearby trains and motorways. The jump between the upper entrance – the hall opens visually towards the platforms – and the platforms has also been made horizontally from the wide glass structure finished in a concrete lintel, supported by a pillar tree. Thus, a certain monumentality can be distinguished in the underground entrance of the train, opposite the more extended side of the car park canopy.
  42. Premis Bonaplata

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Arquitectura - Nova Realització Industrial
    FGC Railways Central Workshop and Operations Centre

  43. Mollet del Vallès Secondary School

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Mollet del Vallès Secondary School

    Located at the end of a newly created neighbourhood with a very regular layout and architecture, the new school complex is organised around three courtyards that adapt to the terrain and have different functions and characters. The first is the entrance with access below the bridge structure of the library. The most public parts open to its surroundings: meeting room, library and gym. The second is the central courtyard, quiet and enclosed. The last one, more open, welcomes the surrounding landscape and vegetation. The playground and the entrance separate the large and close group of houses, so that the main corridor is located on the façade, behind a brick wall with small openings. The walls that are orthogonal to it are treated with galvanised iron sheet, placed horizontally to achieve the effect of lightness.
  44. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Arquitectura - Edificis de Nova Planta, Obres de Reforma o Rehabilitació d'Edificis Existents
    Mollet del Vallès Secondary School

  45. Ramon Fuster School (Phase 1)

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Ramon Fuster School (Phase 1)

    The school developed its activities in a small group of towers adjacent to the garden city of Bellaterra. The parents' association, when deciding to build a new plant, proposed a similar model. The project envisages three independent buildings intended, respectively, for primary education, secondary education and services. Each of them is developed in three floors in height, united in its gravity centre by an external passage attached to the retaining wall of the street. They have their own access. Of the proposed buildings, only one is built in the first phase. The following phases would be built by the MORA-SANVISENS Arquitectes Associats studio.
  46. Fleming Block

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Fleming Block

    The main objective is to project three prismatic volumes of elementary volumetry; the first is rectangular and the other two are square. These volumes harmonise with the buildings and typology of the area, which is of isolated buildings, generating a visual permeability, especially in the Ronda del General Mitre. The interior of the building (roof of the multi-cinema rooms) is treated as a garden area for private use and the depressed square frames and relates the buildings in the corner. The façades, very relevant elements, present two discontinuous forms, sunny with large sliding shutters that make them continuously changing and those facing the noisy belt and the north, more blind and tectonic.
  47. Sinel Factory Building

    Bach-Mora Arquitectes, Jaume Bach i Núñez, Gabriel Mora i Gramunt

    Sinel Factory Building

    The complex includes: the manufacturing warehouses, the 16m high logistics warehouses, the factory's own offices and those belonging to the holding company (located on the first floor), in addition to an isolated building that contains the changing rooms and the canteen. The offices wrap around the factory building, are located facing a forest with magnificent views and form a two-level T, creating a large entrance porch to the complex. The building has a metal structure. As for the closing materials, they are prefabricated concrete slabs in the factory area and sheet metal in the offices. The complex is dedicated to the production of industrial labels. It contains two companies: Caposa and Sinel. They share manufacturing facilities and offices. The spaces, therefore, had to be organised dynamically to allow a certain flexibility, especially for the future.
  48. FAD Award

    Sinel Factory Building

  49. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Fleming Block

Bibliography (52)

Routes & Notes (4)


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