

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2024 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2024 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Francesc Rafat Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Anton Pàmies Mercè Bosch Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque

External Collaborators:

2019-2024 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel Maria Jesús Quintero

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Arxiu Mas


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona


EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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All works
  • 1851

  • 1878 - 1883

  • 1883

  • Mercat El Rengle

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch

    Mercat El Rengle

    Edifici civil. Construcció exempta de planta rectangular longitudinal, coberta per una teulada plana, al centre de la qual s'aixeca una volta de canó que ocupa tota la seva llargària. Consta d'un passadís central i una filera de parades de venda a cada costat; per la banda exterior també hi ha parades. Les parades estan separades per unes columnetes de ferro colat que suporten la teulada. El conjunt destaca especialment per la seva volta que també serveix de ventilació una vegada tancades les parades. Les façanes testeres i el sòcol de l'edifici estan revestits de marbre, i l'interior de l'edifici està decorat amb ceràmica vidrada amb rajoles que formen franges de colors que li donen vistositat. El mercat fou dissenyat per l'arquitecte mataroní Emili Cabanyes i va entrar en funcionament el 5 de juny de 1892. Un any més tard Josep Puig i Cadafalch va projectar i executar la reforma de la coberta, que li va conferir l'aspecte que conserva actual. El 1979 fou restaurat pels arquitectes Isidre Molsosa i Montserrat Torres. És un edifici molt característic de Mataró, que rep el nom popular de "el Tren" a causa de la seva forma allargada. Pel mateix motiu se'l coneix també popularment com "el Rengle" o "el tramvia".


  • 1894

  • Casa Miquel Parera Pertegàs

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch

    Casa Miquel Parera Pertegàs

    Edifici civil adossat a dos edificis laterals. Consta d'una planta baixa i dos pisos. Una balconada recorre l'amplada de la façana a l'alçada del primer pis. El conjunt destaca per l'ús d'elements decoratius de tipus historicista-neogòtic, com és el cas del coronament de l'edifici, especialment de les finestres superiors, decorades amb arcs profusament ornamentats amb escultura: arcuacions, elements florals, etc. La façana està coberta per esgrafiats de gran qualitat.
  • Botiga La Confianza

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch

    Botiga La Confianza

    Antiga fideueria o botiga de pastes i olis. "La Confianza", d'estil modernista en la seva decoració, conserva pràcticament tots els elements que Puig i Cadafalch dissenyà; tremp sobre paper, vitrines, aparadors i dipòsits d'oli. També a l'exterior es conserven les rajoles i els ferros que formen el nom de la botiga. L'estat de conservació és precari sobretot pel que fa als frescos, força malmesos per la humitat, i també als elements decoratius dels armaris. A l'aparador hi manquen uns ferros forjats que aguantaven els cabassos de llegums. Elements decoratius Dissenyats per Puig i Cadafalch, l'any 1896, a petició del propietari Francesc Palomer. Bàsicament són armaris amb vitrines, l'aparador, el paper pintat de les parets i un fris de guix. Els armaris i vitrines, de fusta amb portes de vidre, s'usaven per tenir exposats els diferents tipus de pastes i sèmoles. Són allargats verticalment amb decoracions que les fa semblar capelletes. L'aparador és de marbre i contenia a la part exterior uns ferros forjats per posar-hi els sacs de llegums. Les parets de la botiga són decorades amb paper pintat en tres colors diferents, representant el dibuix repetit d'una creu gòtica. A la paret, just damunt la porta del magatzem, hi ha un petit fris de guix a manera de garlanda, on hi ha gravat el nom del propietari, F. Palomar, i l'any 1896. Probablement d'època anterior són els dipòsits d'oli, amb pica i una reixa de metall. Com indica un fris de guix a l'interior, la decoració fou realitzada l'any 1896, quan n'era propietari el Francesc Palomer i el dissenyador Josep Puig i Cadafalch. Actualment és una botiga de queviures, portada per la família Pinós.


  • Joaquim Coll i Regàs House

    Josep Puig i Cadafalch

    Joaquim Coll i Regàs House

    The plans of the project are signed by Antoni Maria Gallissà because in 1896 Puig i Cadafalch was no longer the municipal architect because of his bad relationship with the Mataró City Council. The house skillfully combines a wide range of ornamental languages, such as sculpture, glass, sgraffitos and ceramics. The stone is not only used to frame the openings, but serves to incorporate the carvings of the sculptor Arnau, who sculpted two relevant figures: the first one is on the tympanum of the door and represents a girl wearing a spindle, a textile emblem that alludes to the owner's industry, while the second figure is at the foot of one of the arches and is the usual Saint George. The rest of the façade is covered with graffiti, and the tribune stands outs, with Nordic reminiscences. The staggered crowning announces the profile of Barcelona’s Amatller House.

    1896 - 1898

  • Residència Sant Josep

    Eduard Ferrés i Puig

    Residència Sant Josep

    Edifici que llinda amb l'antiga Creu Roja i l'antic convent de Carmelites, ara parròquia de Sant Josep. Forma part de l'espai de beneficència que a principis de segle XX s'ubicarà a la ciutat. L'edifici, propietat de l'Ajuntament, és d'estil noucentista, construït el 1912 amb elements de caràcter modernista. Cal destacar les finestretes superiors i la tribuna de l'entrada, que li donen una certa similitud amb l'edifici del costat, de Puig i Cadafalch (Creu roja). Malgrat tot, la concepció de l'estructura de la casa respon a una línia molt més racional, funcional i institucionalitzada. Segons el Catàleg de Patrimoni, on queda inclosa, queden protegides la façana i els volums, essent els interiors susceptibles de canvi. Esgrafiats De nova creació a les façanes, dissenyats i realitzats per l'artista Pares de Mataró a principis de 1988 amb motiu de les obres de reforma de l'interior i exterior de l'edifici. Els esgrafiats ocupen aproximadament 600 m de dibuix. Quan se li encarregà el projecte, en Parés va fer 4 avantprojectes, un modernisme moderat, un de florit, un noucentista i un de simple. L'arquitecte Martí Coll va triar el primer, el modernisme més florit. Els motius són bàsicament flors i ones del mar, que es poden apreciar a les sanefes que volten l'edifici. A la façana de ponent destaca l'escut de Catalunya i la vara de Sant Josep, ja que la beneficència encara depèn de la parròquia. Igual que l'edifici annex al convent, l'emplaçament de la beneficència municipal i l'asil de gent gran fou concedit a l'ajuntament l'any 1942. L'origen de l'asil és degut a una disposició del Capità General del Principat, l'any 1836, manant a totes les poblacions recollir tots els ancians i pobres i donar-los alberg. Les dependències municipals resultaren insuficients, ja que al mateix lloc hi havia una escola primària per a nenes pobres, i se'n construí l'actual beneficència municipal de Sant Josep, l'any 1912, amb entrada per la muralla de Sant Llorenç

    1906 - 1912

  • Escorxador Municipal de Mataró

    Melcior de Palau i Simon

    Escorxador Municipal de Mataró

    Gran recinte vorejat pels carrers de Prat de la Riba, Herrera i Don Quijote, on destaquen tres construccions: la torre, les naus de l'escorxador i l'immoble de l'entrada. S'inscriu dins les línies més simples que combinen la rajola, l'arrebossat i l'obra vista, fet pel qual es podria considerar d'un modernisme tardà. El conjunt, de gran vistositat, combina el blau, el verd i el marró. Recentment s'han fet obres per a la reutilització d'una de les naus de l'escorxador per les funcions de Laboratori Municipal. Inclòs en el Catàleg de Patrimoni Artístic de l'ajuntament de Mataró, es protegeixen les façanes, volums i interiors. Fou edificat el 1915 en uns solars allunyats de l'antic clos urbà, ja que fins aquell moment les funcions d'escorxador es feien a la Plaça Gran, al mercat. Fou l'obra més important de Melcior de Palau i Simón, "i el seu projecte fou aprovat i exposat al públic l'any 1911. era el primer escorxador de la península d'aquest estil, i s'adequava a les normes d'higiene i de capacitat".

    1909 - 1915

  • 1918 - 1920

  • 1924 - 1926

  • 1967 - 1969

  • 1969

  • 1972

  • Finca Mas Ribera

    Antoni Bonet Castellana

    Finca Mas Ribera

    Located in an urbanisation in El Maresme, the Ribera houses are made up of two homes intended for two brothers and a home for the watchmen. The buildings have similar characteristics and share a level in order to obtain the best views towards the sea, located at a certain distance. Respectful of the environment, the two houses, facing south and east, are semi-buried on the hillside, without giving up good sunlight. With the same desire for integration, the plastering of the houses and the pavilion is a dark red tone that harmonises with the green of the landscape. One of the houses integrates into its composition a pre-existing water pond, which had been used to irrigate the land. Access by car to the two houses is through the roof, a point close to the garage - in this way it is guaranteed that the visuals from the interior open up to the plan of the plot and towards the distant sea, without visual contact with the cars. The watchmen's house, an independent unit of these, has a characteristic shape in order to integrate into the whole and the landscape, and generates a large open inner courtyard.

    1968 - 1973

  • Puig i Cadafalch Residential Street Block

    Studio PER, Lluís Clotet i Ballús, Oscar Tusquets Blanca

    Puig i Cadafalch Residential Street Block

    A high voltage line forced the definition of a protection zone parallel to one of the streets and displaced the built volume so that from this restriction a generous semi-public space was organised which was treated as a vestibule of the two important vertical accesses to the homes. Its proximity and openness to the street and its visual relationship with a large avenue in front of it gave it greater breadth and a better connection with the city. The project can be seen as an effort to adapt the simple model of the block to a complex plot of a Mediterranean city in which the corners are fundamental. The relationship between the components, the small gestures in the headers and some change in the width of the blocks allowed the construction to help define the surrounding streets, which were not orthogonal to each other. It was a work that continued with the concern for the generous and dignified dimensions of the common accesses, and in which the desire to offer maximum freedom in the use of the homes appeared for the first time, conceived as rectangular spaces in plan, free of any accident structural or facilities and with gaps in the façade that did not predetermine any use and allowed them all.

    1970 - 1975

  • 1975

  • El Cros and Les Aigües Schools

    Manuel Brullet i Tenas

    El Cros and Les Aigües Schools

    A layout determines the location of the two schools, and perpendicular to this layout different linear pavilions appear that generate a diversity of outdoor spaces. The conviction that public facilities buildings can and must act as structuring elements of the territory is a basic starting point of this project. The suburban situation of the land and the personal vision of the city lead to propose a building model of an urbanised and colonised estate in the image of the extensive urban territorial settlements of the late 19th century. The option of this type of building in the form of a "tapestry" makes it possible to find a flexible and domestic school building. We say flexible because mesh circulations, due to their neutrality, enable many types of pedagogical operation; and domestic because the dimensions and specific character of the different interior-exterior spaces lead to the individualisation of each one of them. The tapestry building in the form of a comb, with a single floor, adheres and closes towards the external road and opens neatly towards the interior of the plot with small semi-basements. At the end of the building there are the common spaces and perpendicular to these spaces, the janitors' homes and the classroom pavilions are emerging, along with the outdoor spaces: promenades, gardens/classrooms, squares, ponds, gardens, and patios. Both the supporting structure of the ceramic walls and the resulting spaces are the result of a strict reflection on the construction process, as are the materials used and their finishes.

    1983 - 1986

  • Cirera Molins Primary Healthcare Centre

    Manuel Brullet i Tenas

    Cirera Molins Primary Healthcare Centre

    The building, based on a very precise program, finds its place in a degraded and aggressive environment through its shape and its position on the site. It is placed at one end of the plot to be away from a large industrial building and is divided into three pieces perpendicular to a retaining wall that defines the northern limit of the plot. The breakdown of the building into three volumes seeks to provide a strong character to the implementation. The strict type of program of a CAP is distributed in these three bodies with a ground floor and floor, formalised through its roof with a single slope and the façade inclined above the street, united by two lower blocks that contain the services and the stairs. An expansion project is currently being carried out that consists of two new pieces that aim to follow the volume of the current CAP and that will be located next to the others.

    1988 - 1992

  • Gaudí Apartment Building

    Brullet - De Luna Arquitectes, Manuel Brullet i Tenas, Alfonso de Luna Colldefors

    Gaudí Apartment Building

    Together with the commission to rehabilitate the Nau Gaudí, the Mataró City Council is asking BrulletDeLuna for a proposal to carry out a general arrangement of the surroundings of the Nau. This arrangement includes the design of the façades of the new housing complex that closes the square where the Nau Gaudí is inserted. So, it is about finding a suitable façade to accompany Gaudí's work. The starting point of the project is the search for materials with powerful tectonics capable of coexisting with the presence of the Nau. It opts for a combination of brick and wood construction, embedded in a grid of steel profiles. The resulting texture combines the materiality of the old factories from the beginning of the century, the structural order typical of technical rationality and the domesticity necessary for a residential building. It is also important to propose a deep façade with a gallery-balcony that generates an intermediate space, interesting both from the climatic point of view and for the spatial games it creates.

    1998 - 2000

  • Gaudí Warehouse (Remodelled to House the Bassat Collection)

    Brullet - De Luna Arquitectes, Manuel Brullet i Tenas, Alfonso de Luna Colldefors

    Gaudí Warehouse (Remodelled to House the Bassat Collection)

    The commission proposes to think about the construction of new homes, the restoration of Gaudí's chimney, nave and aedicle. The bleaching warehouse, remodeled and restored, will be given new multipurpose uses, which means that the refurbished building must have good performance both from an environmental point of view as well as from a regulatory and equipment one. The proposal is to build a large basement in the first 4 corridors of the nave, where the air conditioning machinery, the new sanitary services, the machinery for the new elevator between the ground floor and the basement, a staircase and a warehouse are located. The arches which are cut off on Cooperativa Street side are redone and therefore the current roadway is invaded to recover the original location of the nave. A wall is built parallel to the street to recover the amputated space of the nave and the small aedicle. Due to the impossibility of recovering the original west façade, the project proposes a new façade that has nothing to do with the previous one. It is a translucent and opal glass façade, with an air chamber and a special treatment that will allow us to increase the natural lighting of the original nave, adapting it to the new uses. The south and east façades are built according to the façades we know of the nave from a photo taken by Joan Bergós (image 16). In order to isolate it acoustically and thermally, without changing its original appearance, it has been decided to fold the roof and the partition of the east façade. A wooden framework is placed on the roof with the flat tile visible below, on top of which a projected insulation with another flat tile on top is placed. The view of the interior and exterior of the roof will be the original but it will be constructively bent. If you calculate the structure of the parabolic arches of the nave, you can see that the arch resists the loads of the ship built in a very precarious way. The solution to the increase in loads will be to reinforce, by means of stainless-steel plates, the connection of the three planks that make up the wooden arch (image 18). So as to not to modify the image of the arch, we have chosen to embed the plates on both sides of the central plank. Glass has been thought of as a distinctive element between the elements of the original nave and the new ones. These contemporary materials (translucent glass and transparent opal) differ from the materials of the late 19th century and at the same time reflect and multiply the parts designed by Gaudí.

    2003 - 2008

  • Can Xammar Offices

    Brullet - De Luna Arquitectes, Ioia Brullet Coll, Manuel Brullet i Tenas, Alfonso de Luna Colldefors

    Can Xammar Offices

    Following the existing urban planning, it was a question of building a ground floor and two storey building, on a plot of land very close to the remains of the 16th-century wall of the town of Mataró. The project has been configured based on a response to the complexities of the site characterised by the presence of the wall, a violent topography and the position of the building as a lateral closure of Plaça de Can Xammar. Our volumetric proposal was based on two premises. The first was to make possible the maximum view of the remains of the wall from Plaça de Can Xammar. With this aim, we try not to build the entire surface of the plot on the ground floor, and at the same time we propose two large overhangs - on the sea and mountain side - that facilitate the views over the wall. The second premise was to follow the plot structure of the old town of Mataró by converting the given plot of irregular plan into a rectangular plot. The small size of the plot turned into an isolated piece within the urban structure, the need for the proposed volume to structure Plaça de Can Xammar, the design of a supporting structure capable of withstanding the two large overhangs and the desire for the building to take on an abstract image to separate itself conceptually from the figurative image of the wall, led to the formal and constructive definition of the new building.

    2008 - 2010

  • Antoni Comas Library in the Old Abattoir Building

    Maria Dolors Periel i Piquer

    Antoni Comas Library in the Old Abattoir Building

    The architectural intervention to adapt the three central naves of the Mataró slaughterhouse - the work of the architect Melcior de Palau - to the new library use was based on enhancing the value of modernist construction and at the same time introducing a new architectural language to the new annex buildings that allow solving the cultural use of the building: ▪ Glass enclosures and horizontal slats in front of modernist architecture, which is more massive and vertical. ▪ New access building linked to the central nave by an underground courtyard. Constructions in the testers to fit small spaces. ▪ Formalisation of the interior of each ship as a single space. ▪ In the central nave, a mezzanine detached from the perimeter and the pillars of the nave, is configured as a piece of furniture into which the shelves are integrated. ▪ Restitution of the most characteristic elements of the listed building: roof, stained-glass windows, fragment of transport guides... These are the main concepts.


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