

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2024 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2024 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Francesc Rafat Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Anton Pàmies Mercè Bosch Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque

External Collaborators:

2019-2024 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel Maria Jesús Quintero

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Arxiu Mas


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona


EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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All works
  • L'Escorça

    autoria desconeguda


  • Can Comelles

    autoria desconeguda

    Can Comelles

    Gran casal format per diverses edificacions i una capella, està construïda amb maó i orientada cap al sol naixent. La part més antiga, feta amb tapial, correspon a l'actual celler i conserva alguns arcs gòtics apuntats. El bloc principal és de planta rectangular, té una torre mirador adossada i consta de planta baixa i dos pisos. La façana principal té un porxo a l'entrada i les obertures tenen reixes de ferro forjat. La coberta és plana amb una barana balustrada. Pel que fa l'interior, hem de destacar la barana de fusta de l'escalinata, amb elements decoratius renaixentistes i barrocs. El pati és de finals de segle XIX; aleshores es convertí en un jardí amb escultures italianitzant amb déus, passejos. L'origen de la masia es remunta al segle XIV. Se sap que ja existia el 1350 amb el nom de Mas d'en Pi. Des del segle XIV fins al XVIII, aquesta casa la posseïren, en línia directa, els descendents del fundador de la casa pairal, la família Comelles, els quals van tenir com a convidats personatges molt il·lustres, fins i tot membres de la reialesa. Més tard, l'administració dels béns passà a la comunitat de preveres de l'església parroquial d'Esparreguera. La capella és del 1717.


  • Cal Vendrell de la Codina

    autoria desconeguda

    The country house is composed of a ground floor and a first floor, with a gabled roof and a pointed arch inside. The annex building has a quadrangular plan, consisting of a ground floor and two floors, and the main façade has a symmetrical composition, with balconies on the upper floors and a gable roof. It has a tower crowned with a balustrade. It has a bastion at the entrance. There is also a dovecote inside the courtyard with a circular plan and conical roof with glazing. The origin of the country house would be medieval, but it was completely redone in 1852; the annex building is from 1871; and the bastion, from 1872.


  • Cal Belga

    autoria desconeguda

    Edificació en dos cossos principals en angle, amb construccions auxiliars annexes. Aquests cossos principals estan dedicats a habitatge i presenten murs de maçoneria irregular recrescuts amb totxo. La coberta és a una i dues vessants. Una inscripció sobre la porta ofereix la data de "1852". Al cens de 1860 apareix com una edificació de dos pisos i en el de 1877 com masia habitada, també de dos pisos. Els seus amos s'ocupaven de l'ermita vella de Sant Salvador del Quer, per això hi ha un camí que hi mena.
  • Cal Sorribes

    autoria desconeguda

    Conjunt d'edificis situat al peu de Sant Salvador del Quer, formant part del conjunt de la Vallseca. Edificació de planta quadrangular a la que s'adossen dues construccions d'interès. Al sud, una construcció presenta una galeria amb tres arcs de mig punt i al nord, una construcció de planta circular. Els paraments són de maçoneria irregular. El seu aspecte exterior parla de diferents fases constructives, de les quals sembla ser que les arcades no formen part de l'estructura més antiga del conjunt. L'edificació principal presenta tres pisos amb la teulada a doble vessant. Ha sofert reformes, sobretot en les construccions auxiliars, que mostren una composició de mateials sobris i de factura moderna. Figura al cens de 1860, amb dues edificacions d'una i dues plantes. Al de 1868 com a propietat de Salvador Sorribes.


  • 1862

  • Garges

    autoria desconeguda

    Conjunt de dues edificacions unides per un arc que les connecta. El cos principal, de planta rectangular i amb coberta a doble vessant, compta amb tres altures. Es pot apreciar a les façanes sud i oest que hi ha dues fases d'edificació, una antiga, que formaria una casa de planta aproximadament quadrangular de dos pisos, i una segona, més moderna (datada el 1918, segons inscripció a la façana sud) en que es va allargar l'edifici i es va aixecar una tercera planta. En un cens de 1877 apareix com a "Gárjas", casa de dos pisos habitada. Segons informació oral havia estat propietat de la torre Gallifa.


  • Cal Virat

    autoria desconeguda

    Construcció situada a la zona de Mines de Potassa, vora la carretera B-423, en el quilòmetre 1,4 (desviament de la part nord-occidental). Masia de planta rectangular amb un cobert adossat a la part posterior. Consta de planta baixa, planta pis, golfes i coberta a dues vessants. A la porta té una ferradura. Ha sofert remodelacions en la pròpia estructura així com també als cossos annexes. Existeix una inscripció a la llinda d'una finestra amb la data "1884".


  • Can Soler de la Torre

    Francesc d'Assís Berenguer i Mestres

    Located within the grounds of Colonia Güell, it corresponds to a large building made up of a main body, plus others attached to the north, east and west. It has a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows on the western side. The main building has a basilica plan with a ground floor, first floor and attic, with a gabled roof made of Arabic ceramic tiles. The main façade faces south and on the ground floor there is the access door, made with a half-point arch defined by exposed stone dowels. The date 1692 is carved into the central dome and above it, in relief, what looks like a sun. Unfortunately, it is partially destroyed by the construction of the balcony on the first floor, corresponding to a later reform. Still on the ground floor and on both sides of the door, there are windows with wrought iron bars; the one on the west is larger and has carved crosses and rosettes on the lintel. On the ground floor, above the door and each of the two windows, there are three balconies with jambs and stone lintels with inscriptions. On each side of the lateral balconies there is a semi-circular arched gallery. Regarding the inscriptions on the lintel of the central balcony, we can read Iesus Maria and Antoni Solé, both names separated by a monogram IHS. The west window bears the date 1700 and a border with the monogram IHS, and the east window reads 1622 and a sculptural motif with the monogram IHS. Finally, above the central balcony we find the attic, where there is a set of five semi-circular arched windows that start from a running impost that collects them all. Still on the main façade, there are more items of interest. To the east, under the window there is a small, recessed sandstone basin, above a stone block which supported a spout with the date 1778, above which there are some illegible letters. To the west of the main door, there is a built-in bench with plinths with green and white glazed Cartabo tiles. The main door has a double wrought iron door, of medium height, which was used to close the access when the large wooden portico was open. Finally, also on the main façade, between the first-floor balconies are the remains of two twin sundials. The finishes of the chimneys of the main building are also noteworthy, with clearly modernist ornaments. The main body has another building attached to the north, with a ground floor and two upper floors with the façade facing the urban park of the colony. On the ground floor, the openings are small and without decoration. On the ground floor, a central balcony stands out supported on metal corbels with an opening with a lowered arch with a large stained-glass window. Both to the east and west of this, there is a balcony and a window with openings protected by dust covers. On the upper floor there are small openings under the roof eaves. The east side façade is open with six semi-circular arched windows that correspond to one of the galleries on the ground floor. The western gallery is closed by the side façade, as an annex is attached to it. The wooden floor covering the gallery room is in good condition. Forming a right angle in the western sector of the farmhouse, there is a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows with a gabled roof. It has an access from Plaça de la Masia, through a defined rectangular door of lime and stone lintel. Above there is an oculus that respects the central axis of the façade which is crowned by a curved cornice and has a belfry on the west side. At an angle to the chapel there are the facilities and warehouses with a dry cistern where there is a sun-shaped stone sculpture called "El Soley", which looks like an old sundial, but it is currently located in the shadow. Originally the construction must have been a defensive tower, in fact in 1444 it appears as Torre Burguesa, and for four centuries it was owned by the Soler family. As can be seen from the lintel of the east floor window on the main façade, in 1622 Antoni Soler de la Torre undertook the first major renovation, to convert it, surely, into a three-story farmhouse, with a similar floor plan to which we have reached today. It is therefore plausible to think that the original construction had a large entrance in the central body, cellar, stable and kitchen downstairs, the room above the entrance, which distributed the rooms arranged on both sides, and the attic at the top. Antoni Soler was one of the leaders of the peasant revolt called the Barretines (1687-1689) and, because of his rebellion, he was killed on December 2, 1689, and Can Soler was ordered to be demolished and salt thrown in their lands. His son Antoni and his son-in-law, Joan Roure, recovered the building by special grace of the King. The inscriptions on the key to the vaulted portal "1692" and on the lintel of the balcony on the west side of the main façade "1700" refer to the period in which these two owners lived. After the landing order, the house was rebuilt or redone, and possibly the lintels with the crosses and rosettes, which are of medieval character, must have been reused and belonged to the old tower. From that moment on, the farmhouse became one of the most prosperous in the region. Surely in the 18th century and coinciding with the economic rise of the family, the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows had already been built. In the 1740s the family had left the land in the hands of landowners to reside in Sant Boi and then, around 1826, settled in Barcelona. In the middle of the 19th century, the Solers began to incur debts and, in 1860, after the death of Baldiri Soler de la Torre i Ubach, his younger brother, Joan, sold the estate to the industrialist Joan Güell i Ferrer, when it was the most extensive in the area of Sant Boi de Llobregat. In 1890, Joan Güell's son, Eusebi Güell, began the construction of Colonia Güell on the grounds of Can Soler, which was surrounded by the textile factory to the south and the workers' houses to the northwest. Shortly after, Güell commissioned the renovation of the interior of the house to Francesc Berenguer i Mestres, Antoni Gaudí's collaborator, in order to host the family during their occasional stays. He erected parabolic arches, like the one that provides access to the chapel from the farmhouse, modernised the bathroom and the kitchen, and provided some rooms on the floor with fireplaces. He also renovated the dining room with wooden beams, a fireplace and wood and iron applications on the ceiling, from the centre of which hangs an iron and glass lamp, the design of which some scholars attribute to Gaudí. Then, the old Sorrows chapel worked as a church for the colony's workers, until the temple designed by Gaudí, dedicated to the Sacred Heart, was opened for worship in 1915. In 1892, Güell succeeded in segregating the estate, which at that time it was already included in the municipal term of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, of the parish jurisdiction of Sant Boi and united it with that of Santa Coloma. During the Spanish Civil War, Can Soler was used as the seat of the City Council. In the 1960s, the Güells sold the farmhouse to Teresa Farré and Pedret, and in 1998 Fèlix Sánchez and Janin Vacassy bought it. Part of the interior decoration of the main floor could be attributed to Francesc Berenguer i Mestres. Among the buildings linked to the estate, there is also an old water mine that runs parallel to the Can Ros Road, also known as "La Masia".


  • Cal Bou

    autoria desconeguda

    Quadrangular country house composed of ground floor, main floor and attic, and turret. Two-sided glazed ceramic roofs, in the shape of a cross, and lateral gable roofs. Elongated openings with lowered arch. Moulded cornices separating floors. Eaves with corbels, battlements and portholes on the upper floors. Garden with bastion. The date 1893 appears on the bastion.


  • Cal Bou Chalet

    autoria desconeguda

    Cal Bou Chalet

    Country house composed of ground floor, main floor, attic and terrace. Glazed ceramic gable roofs, in the shape of a cross, and a lower lateral roof. Elongated openings with lowered arch. Moulded cornices separating floors. Eaves with corbels, battlements and portholes on the upper floors. Garden with bastion. On the bastion we can read the date 1893.
  • Can Miret de les Torres

    Josep Font i Gumà

    Can Miret de les Torres

    Can Miret de les Torres es troba situada al costat del nucli de les Torres. És un edifici aïllat format per planta baixa i dos pisos, amb teulada a dues vessants. La façana, de composició simètrica, presenta a la planta baixa una porta d'accés d'arc de mig punt adovellat i dues finestres emmarcades en maó. El primer pis l'ocupen tres finestres d'inspiració gòtica i al segon, hi ha quatre obertures la forma de les quals ve determinada per una utilització decorativa del maó. Cal destacar el rellotge de sol que hi ha centrat en aquest segon pis, així com altres elements ornamentals que enriqueixen la façana (rajoles i plats de ceràmica valenciana de diverses èpoques i el penell de ferro forjat). El conjunt es completa amb un edifici auxiliar que són unes cotxeres i una tanca. Josep Font i Gumà va construir aquesta casa per al seu germà l'any 1898 i quan aquest va morir, l'arquitecte va passar a ser el propietari. Posteriorment, l'edifici fou venut a la família Miret que encara el conserva.


  • Torre Gran

    autoria desconeguda

    second half of the 19th century

  • Can Vinyes

    autoria desconeguda

    Edifici de planta quadrada, que consta de planta baixa i dos pisos, de composició unitària i simètrica. Cobert a quatre aigües, amb una llanterna al carener, de secció quadrada i amb coberta a quatre vessants. Teula àrab. Façanes planes, amb predomini del buit sobre el ple, i amb una distribució simètrica de les obertures. Aquestes presenten com a únic element decoratiu el motlluratge de les llindes als extrems.
  • Ca l'Olivella

    autoria desconeguda

    Edifici de dos pisos on el segon té una interessant galeria. Presenta molts finestrals, sobretot al primer pis. És de planta rectangular i de sostre a doble vessant. Presenta elements decoratius modernistes. Antiga masia reformada i decorada posteriorment amb elements modernistes.
  • Ca l'Olivella de Font Clara

    autoria desconeguda

    The farmhouse is located near the village of Lavern, next to the Sant Sadurní road. Detached house composed of basement, ground floor and two floors. It has a gable roof and tower topped by a balustrade. The façade has a symmetrical composition with four balconies from a portal on the first floor. In the second, there are semi-circular arched windows. The roof has eaves with modillions. Ca l'Olivella was born in the 16th century, within the context of the creation of new farms (properties of peasant origin), with the sale by the monarchy to merchants or wealthy farmers arising from the sentence of Guadalupe. It was later redone in an eclectic style.
  • 1900

  • Reforma de la Masia de Can Rocosa

    Lluís Domènech i Montaner

    Domènech passava els estius amb la seva família a can Rocosa de Canet de Mar. Per poder ampliar l’espai havien comprat les dues cases del costat que feien xamfrà de la riera de Gavarra amb la Buscarons i va unificar els seus patis en un de sol. L’antiga masia es feia servir com a estudi d’arquitectura i refugi personal. Va mantenir els elements barrocs de la construcció, com els esgrafiats de la façana , els festejadors, l’espiell de l’escala i les llindes de pedra, però a la vegada hi va incorporar nombrosos elements decoratius de les seves obres, a vegades models de guix de les escultures o proves de ceràmica. La gran sala del primer pis encara conserva la seva taula de dibuix i els prestatges de la biblioteca. Actualment forma part del conjunt de la Casa Museu Lluís Domènech i Montaner Canet de Mar.

    1888 - 1905

  • La Morera

    autoria desconeguda

    L'edifici està format per dos cossos units en forma de L. Un d'ells, el més antic, de llenguatge neoclàssic, consta de planta baixa, pis i golfes. La planta baixa està coberta amb voltes de pedra. Un cos perpendicular a aquest de manera que tanca la L, està destinat a celler. El cos nou, de llenguatge modernista, consta de planta baixa i pis. La planta baixa és de pedra (incloent el garatge i magatzem). A nivell de planta pis, magnífica galeria a migdia i a ponent, amb mirador-tribuna cap a Montserrat, suportada per permòdols de ferro artísticament treballats. L'estructura de la galeria és de ferro de fosa, amb sostres i parets pintades. Obertures ricament decorades amb trencaaigües de totxo i estucs. Una balconada al pis principal uneix els dos edificis. La part modernista presenta una decoració rica en cornises i capcers, amb gelosia sota teulada feta de totxo vist i ceràmica. Els vitralls de galeria són emplomats, i també els d'obertures. Totes les cobertes vessen a dues aigües.

  • Mas Catarro

    autoria desconeguda

    first half of the 20th century

  • Can Japus

    autoria desconeguda

    Edifici de planta quadrada, de planta baixa i pis, i coberta a quatre aigües, amb teules vidriades que formen línies sinuoses i decoratives a la teulada. Les façanes són simètriques, presenten tres obertures en forma de finestres a cada una. Per damunt de la teulada, una petita terrassa de planta quadrada que a la cegada és coberta per una teulada a quatre vessants.
  • La Pineda

    autoria desconeguda

    És una masia catalana que va ser ampliada els any 20 i se li van afegir detalls modernistes. De planta rectangular, és asimétrica, essent només regular la part central. Els detalls són neoromànics i predominen els arcs cesc a la part lateral de la balustrada. És una masia aillada entre els camps de conreu de la mateixa propietat.
  • Ca l'Artigas

    autoria desconeguda

    Casa de planta rectangular amb terra pla, que presenta una torre de base quadrangular adossada, i a un dels cantons llargs una construcció de planta rectangular afegida en un moment més tardà i coberta a una vessant. La façana principal és rematada per un esglaonat desplaçat a uns dels costats (el que està al costat de la torre). Aquesta façana presenta alguns motius ornamentals. La torre és coberta a 4 vessants, formant barbacana i té una renglera de rajoles, a la part superior, de colors blau, groc i blanc, representant margarites, al llarg de les 4 cares. A més té dues finestres apuntades a la cara principal i a una de les laterals. La dataria dins el primer quart del segle XX.
  • Can Cros

    autoria desconeguda

    Edifici de planta quadrada, amb una escala interior al centre. Té una planta baixa i dos pisos, i la teulada és de teula. Les parets són d'obra arrebossada. Forma un conjunt amb can Japus, amb la qual comparteix el jardí L'actual edifici va construir-se sobre les restes de l'antiga masia de can Trullas, i prop de la casa hi ha els antics cellers i cups, que van ser reconstruïts.

    20th century

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