

In this first stage, the catalogue focuses on the modern and contemporary architecture designed and built between 1832 –year of construction of the first industrial chimney in Barcelona that we establish as the beginning of modernity– until today.

The project is born to make the architecture more accessible both to professionals and to the citizens through a website that is going to be updated and extended. Contemporary works of greater general interest will be incorporated, always with a necessary historical perspective, while gradually adding works from our past, with the ambitious objective of understanding a greater documented period.

The collection feeds from multiple sources, mainly from the generosity of architectural and photographic studios, as well as the large amount of excellent historical and reference editorial projects, such as architectural guides, magazines, monographs and other publications. It also takes into consideration all the reference sources from the various branches and associated entities with the COAC and other collaborating entities related to the architectural and design fields, in its maximum spectrum.

Special mention should be made of the incorporation of vast documentation from the COAC Historical Archive which, thanks to its documental richness, provides a large amount of valuable –and in some cases unpublished– graphic documentation.

The rigour and criteria for selection of the works has been stablished by a Documental Commission, formed by the COAC’s Culture Spokesperson, the director of the COAC Historical Archive, the directors of the COAC Digital Archive, and professionals and other external experts from all the territorial sections that look after to offer a transversal view of the current and past architectural landscape around the territory.

The determination of this project is to become the largest digital collection about Catalan architecture; a key tool of exemplar information and documentation about architecture, which turns into a local and international referent, for the way to explain and show the architectural heritage of a territory.

Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque


About us

Project by:

Created by:


2019-2024 Aureli Mora i Omar Ornaque

Documental Commission:

2019-2024 Ramon Faura Carolina B. Garcia Eduard Callís Francesc Rafat Pau Albert Antoni López Daufí Joan Falgueras Mercè Bosch Jaume Farreny Anton Pàmies Juan Manuel Zaguirre Josep Ferrando Fernando Marzá Moisés Puente Aureli Mora Omar Ornaque


2019-2024 Lluis Andreu Sergi Ballester Maria Jesús Quintero Lucía M. Villodres

External Collaborators:

2019-2024 Helena Cepeda Inès Martinel

With the support of:

Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura

Collaborating Entities:



Fundació Mies van der Rohe


Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico


Basílica de la Sagrada Família


Museu del Disseny de Barcelona






EINA Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona




Fundació Domènench Montaner.

Design & Development:

edittio Nubilum

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We kindly invite you to help us improve the dissemination of Catalan architecture through this space. Here you can propose works and provide or amend information on authors, photographers and their work, along with adding comments. The Documentary Commission will analyze all data. Please do only fill in the fields you deem necessary to add or amend the information.

The Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya is one of the most important documentation centers in Europe, which houses the professional collections of more than 180 architects whose work is fundamental to understanding the history of Catalan architecture. By filling this form, you can request digital copies of the documents for which the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya manages the exploitation of the author's rights, as well as those in the public domain. Once the application has been made, the Arxiu Històric del Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya will send you an approximate budget, which varies in terms of each use and purpose.


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Responsable del tractament: Col·legi d Arquitectes de Catalunya 'COAC'
Finalitat del tractament: Tramitar la sol·licitud de còpies digitals dels documents dels quals l’Arxiu Històric del COAC gestiona els drets d'explotació dels autors, a més d'aquells que es trobin en domini públic.
Legitimació del tractament: El seu consentiment per tractar les seves dades personals.
Destinatari de cessions o transferències: El COAC no realitza cessions o transferències internacionals de dades personals.
Drets de les persones interessades: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com, l’exercici d’altres drets conforme a l’establert a la informació addicional.
Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada sobre protecció de dades en aquest enllaç


Arquitecte i urbanista nascut el 1925 a Barcelona. L'any 1951, acabats els estudis, esdevé membre fundador del Grup R juntament amb d'altres arquitectes de diferents generacions, amb un especial interès en recuperar l'esperit de l'arquitectura moderna que havia quedat desterrada arrel de l'oficialisme del règim franquista.

Paral·lelament, funda amb Josep Maria Martorell l'estudi Martorell-Bohigas, que seria la llavor del què l'any 1962 es convertiria en MBM amb la incorporació de David Mackay com a associat. L'estudi esdevindria, durant la segona meitat del segle XX, en un dels despatxos d'arquitectura més prolífics i més rellevants tant a Catalunya com a la resta de l'estat, amb encàrrecs d'àmbit internacional.

A nivell acadèmic, després de ser professor de l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), n'és escollit director l'any 1977, en un període d'important renovació i prestigi que fonamentarà encara més les bases del què el propi Bohigas havia batejat anys abans com a 'Escola Barcelona'.

Posteriorment, ocupa diferents càrrecs a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, on destaca la seva figura com a l'arquitecte i urbanista del gran canvi de la Barcelona Olímpica. Els seus plantejaments destacaran per una nova manera d'entendre l'espai públic a la ciutat.

Referent intel·lectual durant els seus anys d'exercici professional, ha estat distingit amb reconeixements tals com la Creu de Sant Jordi de la Generalitat de Catalunya, el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona o el Premio Nacional de Arquirectura, entre d'altres guardons.

Works (94)

On the Map

All works


Chronology (114)

  1. Ramon Berenguer IV Secondary School

    Francesc Bassó i Birulés, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Joaquim Gili i Moros, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Ramon Berenguer IV Secondary School

    El projecte original correspon a un Institut Laboral encarregat pel Ministeri d’Educació, dins un programa de desenvolupament endegat després de la postguerra. L’edifici s’articula en forma d’una gran H que dóna lloc a un pati d’entrada i a un pati posterior més petit. Les dues ales laterals que flanquegen el primer recinte es destinen a aules, mentre que la part posterior acull les dependències comunes. La planta s’organitza extensivament, seguint un esquema de corredors axials que donen accés a cada part del programa. Les cobertes de les aules segueixen dos tipus, segons la seva posició: un primer tipus en dents de serra, amb el vessant de directriu circular, i un segon tipus amb una coberta de teula amb dos vessants desiguals, un cos baix adossat i les obertures als tancaments laterals. El conjunt reflecteix un exercici d’aplicació estricta d’alguns principis del moviment modern, abans de la revisió que els mateixos autors durien a terme durant la dècada següent.
  2. Roger de Flor Apartment Building

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Roger de Flor Apartment Building

    In this building, the same problems that the GATCPAC architects had with the ordinances of Barcelona's Eixample reappear, where the buildable depth and the dividing walls forced them to use small ventilation patios. In this case, an important innovation was introduced by projecting the building as if it were two parallel blocks, separated by a large 5 m wide intermediate patio for ventilation. This new distribution ensures that all the houses have two façades and cross ventilation, but a part of the constructed area has had to be given up to make it suitable for building. The load-bearing walls are parallel to the façade, without setbacks of any kind. The façades are exposed brick, and those on the ground floor are glazed exposed brick. The windows to the street are metal carpentry with roller shutters; those of the other façades are made of wood with wide-slat booklet blinds. The balconies have a solid front parapet, which forms an L shape with the cantilever, and is covered in white tile, forming a very abstract composition, Bauhaus style-like: a uniform pattern of white spots on an absolutely flat red canvas. The shutters and railings are blue, and the metalwork has been painted black.
  3. Pallars Residential Street Block

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Pallars Residential Street Block

    The building responds to the purpose of rationalising social housing based on the Cerdà square. The standard block contains four houses, with a small open space in the middle that serves the bedrooms. Each block is clearly separated from the neighbouring block by a cut that contains the staircase and the laundry. The apartment’s main model consists of two corridors, one for the bedrooms and the other one for the kitchen and the lavatories. The complex, containing a ground floor and 5 additional floors, creates a rhythmic façade thanks to the difference in the bodies’ volumes. The project takes care of all the work scales at the same time: from the minimum housing standards to the control of the urban shape.
  4. Grup d'Habitatges Radio Barcelona / Loreto Burdeus

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Grup d'Habitatges Radio Barcelona / Loreto Burdeus

    Grup d'habitatges entre el Carrer de Loreto i el Carrer de Burdeus de Barcelona.
  5. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture
    Pallars Residential Street Block

  6. Germans Amat School Group

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Josep Pratmarsó i Parera

    Germans Amat School Group

    In Terrassa there had long been a need to educate a large number of boys and girls who belonged to immigrant families. To solve this problem, the city council acquired three plots of land located on the outskirts of the city, precisely in the areas where the school-age population was most neglected. Analysing this situation, certain political and social parallels could be found with the Catalan national schooling programme proposed by the Republican Generalitat and the GATCPAC in the 1930s. For the three school groups, a common programme was drawn up and the need to standardise as many construction elements as possible was raised to reduce construction costs as much as possible. Based on these premises and to achieve maximum simplicity and clarity of distribution, the architects proposed differentiating the different blocks and playgrounds, connecting the blocks through the gym-function room, orienting and ventilating the classrooms as best as possible, and standardising the constructions and simplifying the structure as much as possible. Taking these guidelines into account, the projects ended up being the result of adapting the school programme to the terrain. The structural system has been standardised for the three school groups and a uniform orthogonal reinforced concrete framework has been used that is evident on the exterior to give an air of constructive sincerity to the complex. This decision responds to economic reasons, but also cultural ones, since it follows the postulates of Grup R to “rescue” the modern movement that had developed during the Republic. Furthermore, the use of load-bearing walls would have made the construction of large windows difficult. The specific function of each building, however, is expressed through the enclosures, which can be opaque or transparent depending on the spatial and lighting needs of the interior (blind walls in the assembly rooms and heavily glazed in the classrooms).
  7. Baró de Viver School Group

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Baró de Viver School Group

    This project is a continuation of the experience previously developed in Terrassa’s three school groups. The difference is that, in this case, thanks to the extension of the site, the school group has been able to be developed on a single floor. This disposition allows to eliminate the stairs and to establish a direct contact from the classrooms with the garden. The program is developed in two completely independent sections, one with five classrooms for boys and the other one with five classrooms for girls. Each section has its own playground, which is accessed directly from all classrooms. As a filter, each classroom has a heather porch and an outside space to hold classes in the open air. The school is also equipped with an assembly room that can be converted into a gym and a nursery school. The entire structure of the building is a reinforced concrete grid with exposed brick walls. The landscaping basically consists of masses of trees strategically placed to provide shade and privacy. The visual separation between boys and girls is produced by a sculpture by Moisès Villèlia based on vertical fiber cement elements.
  8. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Calvet Apartment Building

  9. Escorial Apartment Building

    Josep Alemany i Barris, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Francesc Mitjans Miró, Antonio Perpiñá Sebriá, Josep Maria Ribas i Casas, Manuel Ribas i Piera

    Escorial Apartment Building

    The block has established the typical arrangement of buildings lined up along the surrounding streets with large building depths around a central courtyard, which is also buildable in part. The urban planning proposal consisted of breaking this closed scheme and opening up the interior as a public space related to the streets, trying, however, not to contradict the morphological reality of these streets. It was a question of combining three fundamental premises: to improve the hygienic conditions of dwellings in depth that occurred in traditional urbanisation; to integrate the public use of the inner spaces of the building, breaking the formal recidivism of the streets; to maintain, however, the urban character of the adjacent streets that belong to an urban network very characteristic of a Barcelona neighbourhood. That is why two linear buildings were organised following the alignment of two streets and the interior space was opened towards Escorial Street, which has a less local nature. The tall building that accumulates in height a large part of the buildability of the building was in the middle of this space. The housing types are adapted to the obvious general morphological requirement: the linear buildings group paired homes with access by stairs for each of them (of 80 and 90 m2), and the tall building corresponds to homes in two floors with access through longitudinal corridors, (100 m2). The exterior finish of the tall building is concrete and white tile and that of the low buildings is solid brick and ceramic lattices.
  10. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture
    Escorial Apartment Building

  11. Housing Complex on the Milans del Bosch Estate

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Housing Complex on the Milans del Bosch Estate

    Set of five isolated blocks of social housing that occupies an entire block of the Milans del Bosch industrial estate. Four of the five blocks are five storeys high and the fifth one, ten. The structure of all of them is load-bearing walls perpendicular to the façades. The houses are all the same. One of the main concerns of the architects was in the distribution of the blocks in the block, which was modified until the last moment. In the end, it was decided to place them in such a way that they formed a large square of 85 x 40 metres. They landscaped this square with many trees and urbanised it with regionalist elements. There are no services or commercial premises because the master plan groups them in a shopping centre that supplies the entire estate. The five-storey blocks have several stair cores, with two apartments per landing, the façades are made of exposed brick, the roof is covered with Arabic tile, and the bands and jambs are exposed reinforced concrete. The ten-storey block has a single core of stairs with elevators that leads to exterior corridors that are located 50 cm below the level of the dwellings to preserve the privacy of the tenants. These corridors are located on the north façade and are visually protected by a concrete lattice. The other façades of this block are covered in white ceramic, leaving the bands and blind boxes visible.
  12. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Cooperative Housing Building

  13. Meridiana Dwellings

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Meridiana Dwellings

    The building, oriented from north to south, supports the houses on both sides and leaves four very comfortable courtyards where the interior rooms breathe. A structural system of concrete screens allows to crisply fit four houses per landing, and each house is organised in two corridors: the smallest contains the kitchen, the dining room and the living room, while the largest contains the bedrooms. A system of variants for the openings allows the windows to be skewed to the south and the large façade plan to be modeled as a varied and three-dimensional fabric, where the ceramic plate is combined with the concrete of the hoops and dihedrals that support the grandstands.
  14. Borrell Dwellings

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Borrell Dwellings

    Building between partitions located in the Eixample of Barcelona. The character and scale of the buildings in the area – most of them from the beginning of the century – motivated the design of the façade to achieve its adaptation to the urban environment, avoiding historicist concessions. This explains why the traditional glazed "stands" were used as pieces superimposed on the façade plan. The fundamental axis around which the different floors are resolved is a complex of vertical circulations formed by two staircases located symmetrically on the sides of a central courtyard for lighting and ventilation. On the ground floors, a third access staircase is incorporated exclusively for commercial premises, which occupy a significant area due to the commercial influence of the nearby Sant Antoni market.
  15. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture
    Borrell Dwellings

  16. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Interior Design
    La Mariona Restaurant

  17. Parish Church of Christ Redemptor

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Parish Church of Christ Redemptor

    The Parish Church of Crist Redemptor is a building annexed to an old parish complex in a popular neighbourhood of Barcelona. It is placed on one side of the existing rooms, delimiting, at the rear, a small interior patio that allows light to enter certain parts of the chapel while at the same time generating a communication space between the old and the new church. In fitting it into the site, the team of architects decided to set the built volume back a few metres with respect to the alignment of the street to give more space to the passer-by, through a square that refers to the traditional squares of the towns, in which the parishioners gathered after mass. Although this space is currently closed when events are not held in the chapel, it allows the neighbours, accustomed to the winding, small and sloping streets of the neighbourhood, to take a break. A flat square, raised a few metres from the ground to separate itself from noise and daily walking, a meeting place with benches and masonry walls. The plant is built in a single nave, of an industrial nature, with a porticoed structure in the form of triangulated wooden trusses. The façades and walls are made of traditional earth-coloured brick and the steel finishes, as well as the pillars that support a concrete beam on one side of the chapel, are painted reddish. These sought-after tones provide visual homogeneity to the space. The roof is sloping to two waters. The finish is carried out with ceramic tile, as it is a local material and in accordance with the materials of the church as a whole. Exceptionally, and to provide overhead light to the interior space, strips of transparent tiles are placed in the centre of the roof to allow light to enter. The entire assembly rests on a wooden board and is insulated with a layer of fiberglass.
  18. Heredero House

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Heredero House

    Tredòs és una petita localitat propera a l’estació d’esquí de Vaquèira, a 1.200 metres d’altitud. La casa, emplaçada a mig pendent de la muntanya, respon a un programa de vacances per a una família nombrosa. El projecte disposa una sèrie de terrasses a mitja falda del pendent, que afavoreixen l’accés a peu i les activitats a l’aire lliure. L’habitatge pròpiament dit consta de quatre peces quadrades separades per una escletxa en creu, on es disposen unes escales de trams curts que connecten fluidament tots els àmbits de la casa. El nucli és format per quatre llars de foc a les plantes inferiors i quatre banys a la planta superior, i culmina en les quatre xemeneies de la coberta. Els vuit cossos prismàtics resultants queden clarament diferenciats en el volum exterior. La coberta a quatre aiguavessos i els paraments de color gris terrós permeten integrar la casa al paisatge sense necessitat de recórrer a la imitació de llenguatges vernaculars.
  19. Parròquia de la Sagrada Família

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Parròquia de la Sagrada Família

    El conjunt arquitectònic està format per dos edificis: la rectoria i l'església. Aquesta última està dividida en tres cossos que són: la nau principal, l'altar del Santíssim i la sagristia, units per una torre que fa de campanar. Els edificis estan rodejats per un gran finestral a la part superior, sense cap més obertura; les parets de totxo vist i les arestes romes. A l'interior de la nau principal hi ha columnes de totxo i una estructura metàl·lica que la cobreix. Tots els edificis són de quatre vessants fibrociment i coronats per una claraboia en forma de llanternó. Tots els materials de construcció: bigues metàl·liques formigó i totxo; són vistos, sense cap tipus de falsejament. Total absència d'elements ornamentals. (a excepció de les tres talles, que representen la Sagrada Família, situades en la part de l'altar major- veure fitxa) L'engrandiment i importància que pren un nou barri a Igualada, el "Poble Sec", provoca la necessitat d'una nova església parroquial. El projecte fou realitzat per l'equip d'arquitectes compost per : Josep Mª Martorell, Oriol Bohigas i David Mackay, dirigint les obres aquest últim. Edifici representatiu de l'arquitectura religiosa postconciliar.
  20. Sant Jordi Primary School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Sant Jordi Primary School

    The school responds to an experimental teaching programme in which personalised activities take on great importance. The complex is organised around a central, double-height space, intended for expressive development, and access to the various common dependencies on the ground floor takes place through different routes so that each work area has its own identity. On the first floor there are the classrooms, although the circulation spaces are also understood as work and learning places. The covered floor houses the sports court, and the terraces and paths, including the two steel bridges formed by the bleachers, respond to their use as a place of recreation. The structure is solved with a reticular forging, capable of being cut at any point, and supported by steel pillars that go unnoticed between the enclosures.
  21. Apartments for Teachers at Sant Jordi Infant and Primary School (Phase 1)

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Apartments for Teachers at Sant Jordi Infant and Primary School (Phase 1)

    Building of 12 homes (110 m2) for the teachers of the "Sant Jordi" school, in the town of Pineda. You enter through a porticoed space that connects the street with a rear semi-public courtyard. From this space you can access the two homes located on this floor. Through a staircase with continuous sections, which divides the building transversally, you go up to the second floor, where a street open to the mountain allows you to enter the 5 duplex houses that occupy this floor and the one below. From this open corridor, and via two metal stairs superimposed on the façade as an independent object, you enter the 5 duplex homes that occupy the two upper floors. Thanks to this circulation scheme, it has been possible to eliminate the stairwell, which is too appropriate for an urban typology at odds with the character of the area. This makes the access to each home unique, offering a richer and more diverse and more integrated itinerary to a rural landscape that is not yet fully urbanised and to a different type of life than that proposed in dense urban centres.
  22. PIHER Badalona Factory Building (Phase 3)

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    PIHER Badalona Factory Building (Phase 3)

    The entire industrial complex and its restrooms are included within a single container of 31m x 51m x 17m, with dimensions that are determined by the permitted occupation of the plot and by considerations of urban suitability rather than by functional matters. The complex relationship between the manufacturing warehouses and the offices, with restrooms and access, is resolved, therefore, within this general envelope, which is characterised by a unitary cladding of iron plate, only interrupted by the small windows cracks that, more than elements of lighting and ventilation, are simple references to the outside, of psychological value. The rigid parallelepiped volume is altered by the continuous scale of the W façade and by the successive overhangs of each floor that protect the windows. Within this volume, there are three manufacturing floors accessed by the aforementioned staircase, which is at the same time a means of visual communication unifying the three environments.
  23. Garbí School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Garbí School

    Construction of a new school, built in three phases, for Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary for a total of approximately 1300 students. The construction of the first phase was developed in accordance with the team of pedagogues, with the idea that the architecture had to collaborate in the educational process, creating in the student the full awareness of belonging responsibly to a community. All the outbuildings were grouped around a central multi-use covered square, although primarily used as a dining room. The organisation had a certain urban analogy: the central community square that gathered around it the various more privatised areas. Shortly after, it was decided to transform and expand the building in three successive phases, in which they tried not to modify the initial concept. The common space, with its urban analogy, was maintained, but the image of the square was transformed into that of a succession of interior and exterior streets and squares. The enlargement technique was simply additive, thanks to the fact that the building had no compositional rigidity and could grow according to an almost unforeseen morphology, in a way related to popular forms. This aspect is underlined by the materials and construction systems used: brick walls, traditional ceramic tiles, concrete and natural wood.
  24. Apartment Complex at Pals Golf Club

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Apartment Complex at Pals Golf Club

    Es tracta d’un bloc allargat situat en una pineda i orientat de muntanya a mar. És format per dues crugies separades per un corredor d’accés. Els apartaments s’organitzen en tres tipus. Els més petits queden al nivell més alt, la qual cosa afavoreix l’escalonament i les vistes. Els de la planta baixa connecten directament amb l’exterior. La rigidesa de la planta contrasta amb la varietat de la secció, que busca una bona integració amb l’entorn i emfasitza la individualitat i el caràcter propi de cada apartament. Les façanes són arrebossades de color rosat, combinat amb algunes parts blanques, i les arestes queden remarcades per rivets de peces ceràmiques.
  25. Thau Primary and Secondary School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Thau Primary and Secondary School

    The building consists of two well-separated bodies, located at two different heights from a sloping plot of land. The lower body houses early childhood and primary education and has three floors, so the kindergarten classrooms are located on the ground floor and have direct access to the playground. The upper body, two storeys higher than the lower body, houses secondary education. The classrooms occupy the sunny façades (south-east and south-west), while on the north-east and north-west façades the access and connection stairs of all the floors are located, in glazed and differentiated volumes of the main body of the building. The set is articulated by means of bleachers that are used for outdoor activities throughout the school. The general approach is guided by the economy and rationality of the structural solution and by a very careful attention to the conditions of teaching and the interrelationships between the different parts of the program.
  26. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Thau Primary and Secondary School

  27. Caponata Apartment Buildings

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Caponata Apartment Buildings

    Group of 34 houses (112 m2) organised in three independent buildings that marks out the area between a square and a passage with glass roof. The neighbourhood in which it is located has very narrow streets that fail to define usable spaces. The placement of these spaces inside the site itself is a certain contribution to the urban quality of the environment. The houses are all on two floors, each set back on two planes at different heights, so that vertical circulation is carried out on very short flights of stairs, creating a certain almost horizontal continuity. The accesses are thus reduced to only two levels: the ground floor at square and passage level and the second with a continuous corridor integrated into the buildings themselves.
  28. La Salut Dwellings

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Salut Dwellings

    It is the first project of the MBM studio that covers an entire block of houses, with a social housing program and a cooperative management system. The block has an irregular shape due to the tangential trace of the Riera de la Salut. The project strictly maintains the external alignment of the four streets and creates an interior square that can only be accessed from two opposite corners. The blocks are configured in a double corridor with an interior courtyard that includes the vertical communication hubs, which can be reached from the square, through porches. The configuration of the set emphasises the semi-public nature of the system of spaces in the interior of the block, which are treated as a network of irregular routes and located at different levels. The houses in the inner blocks, as well as the shops on the ground floor, give the façade to this interior system of spaces, endowed with a great urban character thanks to the treatment of the volumes and the façades.
  29. Martí l'Humà Residential Street Block

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Martí l'Humà Residential Street Block

    The project starts from the desire to achieve a closer relationship between housing and public space in an urban context. The block of houses is part of an old industrial belt that has gradually been incorporated into the residential fabric of the city, which has forced important renovation processes of the buildings. In this case, the part of the block that can be renovated forms an L that covers almost its entire surface. The project establishes two housing blocks separated by an interior street that works as a semi-public space, linked at the same time to the housing and to the city's general road network. The outer block, which faces the two most important streets, includes four levels of housing on eight floors, while the inner block includes two levels of housing on four floors. In this way, the complex forms an arch well oriented to the south, and it is possible to illuminate and ventilate all the homes without the need for patios. In the higher block, the lower floors are reserved for shops, while those in the lower block incorporate some private gardens. The houses on the first floor are accessed directly from the street, while the access to the upper houses takes place through open corridors oriented to the north, above the two main streets.
  30. Eduardo Conde - Vives i Tutó Dwellings

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Eduardo Conde - Vives i Tutó Dwellings

    Ensemble of 50 homes (100 - 150 m2), organised in two buildings, articulated by the staircase and elevators, which open onto an interior garden shared at the same time by another building on Vives i Tutó Street. One of the two buildings is organised along a glazed passage with double access gallery to the homes. The other, with a façade on Eduard Conde Street, is a linear succession of apartments that, in contact with the south partition, splits in two to maintain continuity with the neighbouring building. Access is through galleries open to the garden. The houses have two floors, each subdivided into two planes at a different level, with which the vertical circulation takes place in very short sections of stairs, creating a certain almost horizontal continuity. The higher dwellings increase with a third floor, subdivided into a covered room and an outdoor terrace.
  31. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Caponata Apartment Buildings

  32. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner (ex aequo). Category: Architecture
    La Salut Dwellings

  33. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Costa i Llobera School

  34. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Eduardo Conde - Vives i Tutó Dwellings

  35. Serras House

    Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Serras House

    The house is located on a plot with a steep slope, which goes from street to street. The programme is very extensive and covers 620 square metres and includes a small museum of old cars. The solution proposes two separate bodies, formed by a metal structure that supports the different slabs and creates a gauge that contains both the interior and exterior spaces. The level of the bedrooms and the museum takes the form of a basement. On the upper floor, where it is accessed, both bodies come together to form the large living space. The project investigates a formal order that integrates the cubic image of the house, the logic of the circulations, the independence of the living room enclosures with respect to the structure and a well-adjusted adaptation to the slope of the plot. From the entrance, the house can be read as a staircase of several sections that, after accessing each part of the programme in an orderly manner, stopped at the bottom, where the swimming pool is.
  36. Rehabilitation of Pascual i Pons Palace

    Espinet/Ubach, Arquitectes i Associats, MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Miquel Espinet i Mestre, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Antoni Ubach i Nuet

    Rehabilitation of Pascual i Pons Palace

    Between 1890 and 1891, the architect Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia built two adjacent palaces on lots number 2 and 4 of Passeig de Gràcia for Mr. Sebastià Pascual and for his brother-in-law D. Alexandre Pons. The obvious contact between both owners allowed Sagnier to build the two buildings with obvious organisational but, above all, stylistic connections. During the years until the start of the project, there were many works of varying significance that were carried out, leaving countless scars on the building. Despite the unfortunate state of the building, the Barcelona City Council has it listed in its catalog of buildings to preserve because of its testimonial value of Catalan modernism. Things being this way, they decided to draw up the expansion, rehabilitation and transformation project. The main features of this extensive and complex intervention were, firstly, to unify the two old palaces in a single building, the access of which is from Passeig de Gràcia. The scope of this unification is to remodel the vertical accesses, elevators and stairs, around a courtyard of light that is one of the points of greatest interest in the project. Secondly, to undertake the works to rejuvenate the constructive system of the building. Thirdly, the 5th floor is extended over the old roof, taking advantage of the opening under the barbican. The introduction of the gallery in the rencontre between the façade and the roof tends to improve the slenderness of the building. The criteria for restoring the façade are various: reintegrate the pinnacle with an orthogonal base, repair all the deteriorated elements, replace some Gothic windows that were mutilated and integrate into the configuration scheme the façades built on the old platforms of Casp Street and Ronda Universitat as of the openings on the ground floor once the commercial character of these has been consolidated. We wanted to maintain the duality between the old and modern building with the coexistence of the original hall on the ground floor, executed in Montjuic stone and stucco, with the vertical patio built with white concrete understood as a version of technological stone, and to restore the few pieces of the first floor that have managed to survive to this day. The light fixture in the old lobby was designed by Miguel Milá.
  37. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Restoration
    Rehabilitation of Pascual i Pons Palace

  38. La Creueta del Coll Park

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Creueta del Coll Park

    The area covered by this project was practically empty without any special significance and without any urban order. It corresponds to a hill that had been partially occupied by the industrial exploitation of a quarry. This empty and abandoned space seemed very suitable to project a public park in the La Teixonera neighbourhood, which is close by. To do this, it was necessary to specify some areas for collective use and to draw good lines of communication between the neighbourhood and the park. The transformation of the large hole left by the quarry is based on two ideas: adapting the northern slopes of the land, with a special but slight reforestation, between winding paths that mark spaces enabled for neighbourhood use, and to emphasise theatrically the central part, that is the deepest and the one that maintains more topographic memories of the establishment. This sector is integrated into the urban landscape with a lake on two levels which, in addition to offering various leisure and sports opportunities, is a very suitable setting for a large sculpture by Chillida to mark the compositional centre, rhetorically reflected in the water. The park has two access lines, from the north and from the south. An itinerary that allows you to contemplate the complex geography of the environment and communicate directly with the public space with the two nearest neighbourhood units, so that the activities that the park's own design predisposes are ensured.
  39. Can Borrell Residential Street Block

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Can Borrell Residential Street Block

    It consists of a group of 200 social housing units on a block of houses in the new extension of Mollet, made up of a plot of 100 x 100 metres, with the four façades facing the four cardinal points. The solution gives a different answer to each of the four faces, depending on the orientation and the urban character of each street. The blocks to the south and west are made up of two storeys of duplex houses; the lower ones are accessed from inside the block and the upper ones by means of an elevated corridor that escapes from the corner square. On the east side, the block doubles, with a vertical access from the interior passage and single-level homes that overlook both sides. The north block also has single-level housing and is accessed from the inner patio. The ensemble emphasises the south and west façades of the block, the only ones with shops, and reiterates the desire to give the patio a public nature through an access from the interior.
  40. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Buildings of new plant for private use
    Can Borrell Residential Street Block

  41. EU Mies Award

    La Creueta del Coll Park

  42. Pla d'Ordenació Sector Migdia

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Albert Puigdomènech i Alonso

    Pla d'Ordenació Sector Migdia

    Sobre les 13 hectàrees que prèviament havien ocupat les casernes (1943-93), opaques als plans que —de manera intensiva i canviant (1955, 1971 i 1980)— havien densificat la trama gasiva de l’eixample, s’obrí la primera oportunitat contemporània de concebre ex novo tot un gran fragment de la nova ciutat. El procés comportà negociacions intenses amb l’Administració militar, en les quals també es veieren implicades peces de la ciutat antiga, i de seguida fou situat per l’alcaldia sota la batuta d’un «indiscutible» Bohigas, a fi de superar-hi les limitacions que el planejament havia demostrat i per tal d’entendre aquella oportunitat des d’una lògica de projecte. L’ordenament executat conservà algunes peces militars (finalment abatudes), establí una envoltant definida a les cares nord i est, ubicà aparcaments soterrats i un ampli parc públic i treballà les relacions amb latrama urbana per dilatar-la i donar-hi continuïtats matisades, sense perdre, però, una certa autonomia del conjunt per si mateix. S’hi havien d’encabir 60.000 m2 de sostre, sobretot residencial. Per sort, la gestió peça per peça fracassà i calgué la formació d’una empresa ad hoc, que executaria tot el procés. El projecte defineix una «U» de sis nivells, amb ordenances tan precises com un metaprojecte, que encara amb una gran concavitat al nord la relació amb l’eix principal i penetra al parc amb dues torres de 16 nivells, presidint-lo i inserint-se en una làmina d’aigua que el centra. El parc s’hi desenvolupa amb recursos tradicionals d’arbrat, jardineria i tanques al carrer i desplega un gran espai central polaritzat per l’estany, una illa i una gran pèrgola que donen la rèplica, com a buit, al ple marcat pels edificis. Malgrat els matisos ben contemporanis del llenguatge i alguns jocs volumètrics, com les torres dissociades, l’actitud general importa d’un neoclassicisme centreeuropeu la matriu d’una bellesa basada en l’ordre, l’homogeneïtat i la repetició.
  43. Olympic Port

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Albert Puigdomènech i Alonso

    Olympic Port

    It is a port that must meet three objectives: to be a good base for maritime sports and leisure, to accommodate the complex demands of maritime competitions and, above all, to be a good setting for a new centre of citizen activity; an active focus that includes some of the revitalising aspects of the new Nova Icària neighbourhood. The port’s water table is divided into two docks: the interior of 255 m. x 193 m. and the exterior of 360 m. x 75 m, with a total capacity of 670 moorings. Between the two docks, the 52 m wide service pier includes a car park (180 spaces), a boat repair area and the services of reception, control and fuel supply. A large perimeter space is organised around these two docks, which must be used for the ports’ needs, but which must also be a new centre of urban activities. This perimeter space is subdivided into two levels: the docks, between elevations 1.70 m. and 22.50 m., and the walk, elevated to a height of 7 m., approximately.
  44. Veïnat School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Albert Puigdomènech i Alonso

    Veïnat School

    L’escola adopta una crugia circular d’una sola planta que gira al voltant d’un petit pati d’esbarjo, que serveix el parvulari. Cada aula té comunicació amb aquest pati, d’una banda, i amb el recinte arbrat de l’exterior, de l’altra. Les aules es cobreixen amb dos vessants que permeten incorporar una tarja elevada de ventilació creuada. La crugia circular es trenca en dues parts ben diferenciades, la de l’escola de primària i la del parvulari. Les escletxes que queden entre totes dues parts canalitzen l’accés des del carrer i el pas a la pista esportiva, situada en un recinte annex. Dos elements sobresurten en alçària: la torre circular de la biblioteca, situada al costat de l’entrada, i el cos de la sala polivalent, amb una coberta prismàtica més alta que la resta, de planxa ondulada pintada de color fosc, com la resta de cobertes. L’estructura combina pilastres de maó amb bigues i suports de formigó, i a cada lloc s’adapta a les peculiaritats del programa, i no a l’inrevés.
  45. Municipal Sailing School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Municipal Sailing School

    The main facilities of the Municipal Sailing School are located under the Northeast elevated promenade, with the intention of not occupying or obstructing the totality of the large unitary space of the docks. The warehouse is concentrated in a building that acts as a terminal for the Northeast elevated walkway and as a hinge connecting with the linear assembly of the breakwater. It is a two-story building with bright white façades, topped with a set of 24 pyramids that solve both the problems of lighting and permanent ventilation and those of protection against water. The set of pyramids delimits a relatively privatised square for the practice of navigation’s preparatory exercises, from which you can go out on a ramp directly to the sea without having to cross all the port until the harbour’s mouth. The building of the Municipal Sailing School is a distinctive symbol, appreciable at a great distance, as an intelligible explanation and even rhetoric of the formal structures of the port.
  46. FAD Award

    Award-Winner / Winner. Category: Architecture - Public Spaces
    Olympic Port

  47. Olympic Village and Olympic Port Development Plan

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Albert Puigdomènech i Alonso

    Olympic Village and Olympic Port Development Plan

    Urban planning of an area of 79 Ha. for the Olympic Village of Barcelona 1992 with 2,500 homes. Transformation of the seafront including 107,200 m2 of parks and 130,000 m2 for the Olympic Port’s facilities (739 moorings). MBM's work on this project consisted mainly of the urban design of the entire sector, as well as the authorship of some apartment buildings, the Litoral Park and the Olympic Port, which includes the Port's reception building (Port Authority) and the Municipal Sailing School. MBM was also in charge of supervising the 32 projects of the other architects' housing buildings and of coordinating all the architectural, landscaping and engineering work, including the expressways, the railway line, the metro and the infrastructure.
  48. El Litoral Park

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    El Litoral Park

    This is a continuous green strip almost 2 km long which separates the two directions of access and exit from the city, and which includes, with different solutions, the Cinturó del Litoral as a segregated expressway. It is divided into three parks: the Les Cascades Park above the mouth of the Cinturó del Litoral tunnel with sculptures by Auke de Vries and Antoni Llena, the Port Pork, which connects directly to the Olympic Port and is protected from the noise of the circulation through two perimeter barriers of compact green mass of trees and a porched promenade, and the Icaria Park, the centre of attention which is a lake that follows the shape of the Greek island of Icaria, and which is located at the same low level of the Ronda, that in this section emerges from underground and five wooden bridges that cross the Ronda linking the city with the park and the sea.
  49. Nou de La Rambla Palace

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Nou de La Rambla Palace

    New building of 7,043 m2 and 54 metres facing the Rambla, one of the most important and active streets, located in the heart of Barcelona's Ciutat Vella district. In the planning approach, the relationship of the building with the architectural environment and the design of façades that integrate correctly into the complex, but which determine a new level of quality, have been taken into account. The building is intended for tertiary uses: commercial premises, offices and parking for 800 cars, one of the first examples of robotic parking of this size in the whole world.
  50. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Nou de La Rambla Palace

  51. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    New Façades of El Corte Inglés

  52. New Façades of El Corte Inglés

    Martínez Lapeña-Torres Arquitectos, MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina, Elías Torres Tur

    New Façades of El Corte Inglés

    Department stores are growing and the city asks for a new façade. We spent several months trying to find a civil palatine façade, with a tower or bell tower, like those in the other buildings in Catalunya Square; incorporating memories of New York buildings (Wollworth, Rockefeller Center)..., Rome’s Rinascente, or some of F. Gehry in Boston, or even quieter ones… The façade is made of salmon beige granite, like the letters with the logo at the top of the corner. The plinth that covers the ground floor and the continuous eaves that protect it are made of brass. At the same corner the eaves rise like the wing of a hat. The south corner of the extension is a project of the MBM architecture studio, with horizontal rings on the last three floors. However, after a couple of hours of work, the façade of the interior of the block came easily. It is the façade that covers the evacuation stairs and the installation ducts and is covered with die-cast aluminum plates such as the radiator shutter of the Seat 600 car. Something similar happens in the Eixample’s courtyards: they are elementary and useful, as little in need of representation and ostentation as is the case on street façades. The slabs and granite of the street façades are the same size to fit together when they meet.
  53. Ciutadella Campus of the UPF

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Ciutadella Campus of the UPF

    Rehabilitation of an old military barracks to locate a university building with a capacity for 3000 students and 200 teachers. This is one of the buildings on the Ciutadella Campus of the Pompeu Fabra University set in several buildings scattered in Ciutat Vella. The original perimeter building is used for service classrooms and the dean's office. The two new bodies of classrooms and departments, located in the large central courtyard, have been treated with current styles. The classroom is a parallelepipedal building with a concrete structure and a very smooth and tense curtain wall façade - with no visible metal elements - facing the courtyard. The department building, in contrast, is a floating prism with a façade finish of wooden planks, left over from sawing, and continuous horizontal linear windows interrupted every two departments by a projecting fold of white aluminum. The large central courtyard is covered by a sawtooth roof with glass to the north, and will constitute the privileged space for the collective life of the students.
  54. Premio Década

    Award-Winner / Winner
    Olympic Village and Olympic Port Development Plan

  55. FAD Award

    Finalist. Category: Architecture
    Ciutadella Campus of the UPF

  56. Mossos d'Esquadra Central Police Station

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Mossos d'Esquadra Central Police Station

    This is the building that will house a police station (Mossos d’Esquadra) and the offices of the Catalan Traffic Service. It is located in Plaça d’Espanya, at the junction of Gran Via and Paral·lel, two important avenues in the Eixample. The proposal is based on two autonomous bodies, each aligned on the two perimeter avenues and a central space that acts as a large lobby. The façades are structured with a modular system that allows them to be modified according to the variation of internal needs. Continuous bands of photovoltaic panels extend over this modulation. The location is very significant and will be the reason for an urban reconsideration of the whole of Plaça d’Espanya.
  57. Office Building for the UGT

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Office Building for the UGT

    This is project of an office building of 9,238 m2 with an L-shaped floor plan and different heights, located on a plot that is part of the "Urban Project of Robador Street’s block and its surroundings" promoted by Foment Ciutat Vella. It faces the streets of Sant Rafael, Sadurní, Sant Josep Oriol, the Rambla del Raval and a new square located between the building and the hotel. There are 2 floors of parking in the basement which occupy the perimeter of the office building, as well as that of the new square and the hotel. The building has been designed to be able to have many uses, from occupation by a single institution to a more fragmented subdivision of the space. The ground floor is interrupted by a hole that acts as a pedestrian passage between the new square and Sadurní Street, which allows direct communication from the Rambla del Raval to the housing block and the shops on the ground floor as well as in the new building of the Filmoteca de Catalunya in Salvador Seguí Square.
  58. Extension of Costa i Llobera Primary School

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Extension of Costa i Llobera Primary School

    Prior to the expansion, the school was a set of three rectangular buildings located around a common space, a large open-air roof overlooking Barcelona, which serves as the centre of the school and leisure space. The extension consists of a fourth building of similar volume to the existing ones, designed using the same compositional and constructive criteria as the current buildings, in order to obtain a set with volumetric and topographical coherence that will accommodate a total of 910 students from 3 to 17 years old (from kindergarten to Senior High School). The new building is distributed on the ground floor, two floors and a basement – a multipurpose room and a gym – which match the levels of the current floors. On the ground floor, a bridge that connects (piercing the new building) the current courtyard with that of the extension is built, and it forms a large free space around the buildings. This floor is divided by the connection step. The first and second floors are connected on one side to the nearest existing building by glass bridges and on the other by the outdoor garden via metal stairs and a bridge. The ground floor and the first two floors are connected by a glazed staircase similar to the other school buildings. In the basement, at the same level as the main entrance of the current school, there is the multipurpose space / gym, with the corresponding changing rooms, which is partially developed under the playground.
  59. Auditorium and Gaudí Hall at Milà House

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Auditorium and Gaudí Hall  at Milà House

    The adaptation of the basements of La Pedrera for Auditorium and Sala Gaudí, tries to be very neutral and respectful of what remains of the original work. This is not a restoration that tries to return everything to its origin. It is about not adding, being neutral and discreet and avoiding imitations of Gaudí. It was necessary to assume the required structural reinforcements, the passage of the installations and comply with the current regulations. Caixa Catalunya Auditorium: 185 seats, side boxes for 78 seats extendable to the 110 m² outdoor patio, two simultaneous translation booths, a control room, three screens for cinematographic and audiovisual sessions, and a stage with a technical platform for conferences, with talks and theatrical or musical shows in a small format. Sala Gaudí: 92 seats, a control room interconnected with the translation and control booths of the Auditorium, a screen and a space for multipurpose shows and events without a fixed stage. General spaces: an entrance ramp/lobby, a gate, two cloakrooms, eight toilets, a toilet for the disabled, two dressing areas with toilets, showers and changing rooms, a kitchen-office and a guest room.
  60. Line 3 Metro Station: Liceu

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Line 3 Metro Station: Liceu

    The project aims to design a very bright and clean station considering that it is a collective space with a very high density of daily circulation. The walls and ceilings of the platforms are covered with illuminated glass panels printed with the banana leaves that cover La Rambla. The aim was to translate the spatial and environmental virtues of the urban environment into the underground.
  61. La Casa dels Xuklis

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Casa dels Xuklis

    This building is designed to accommodate families with children from outside the city suffering from cancer who are undergoing treatment in Barcelona. La Casa dels Xuklis is a pioneering project in Europe led by the Foundation of Children With Cancer and born from the AFANOC's initiative. It goes one step further than Maggie's centres in Scotland by adding a ground floor residence with patio. The construction of the residence is based on the typology of the courtyard – the Greek house, the Roman atrium, the Islamic courtyard, the Christian cloister – which responds to different cultural and social customs. We have identified the four pavilions with the four seasons of the year and the four orientations of the day. The residence provides accommodation for 25 families in "individual houses" of 30 m2, located around the courtyard. Each home has an articulated pitched roof to ensure cross ventilation which eliminates the dangers of air conditioning for these sufferers. It also has an independent Day Centre that allows non-resident families to enjoy a more domestic space where they can relax and communicate with the other families, patients and professional caregivers of the centre and where they receive specialised medical assistance and support. The 1,989 m2 building is located on land handed over by the Barcelona Council and is surrounded by gardens.
  62. La Torre Blanca

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    La Torre Blanca

    It is a building with 19 floors and two basements with different types of housing: single or duplex flats and one, two, three and four bedrooms. The dwellings are grouped around a vertical street and are articulated through three "urban squares" located one at street level, another one in the centre of the tower and along four floors, and the third at the top of the building with a stepped "skyline" at the top, without mechanical installations because they are located on each floor to provide service to the respective homes. The building is treated as a pure geometric figure: the prism, with specific exceptions where voids are produced that correspond to spaces of communal use: lobbies, duplex housing, community terrace, swimming pool and solarium so that they have natural lighting. The façade is composed of a series of repetitive horizontal elements that are only interrupted in the intersections with voids and elements of the building's general stairs.
  63. RBA Office Building

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    RBA Office Building

    The office building of 19,000 m2, 17 floors and 4 basements is located in the new 22@ district of the Poblenou district. It has a pedestrian crossing that crosses the building on the first three floors, two low silver entrances and two cores of vertical access. On the intermediate floors, there are the most public spaces, with an auditorium and terrace for the social activities of the publisher and the management offices and the library are located on the upper floors. The building exhibits two grammatical currents, one related to the shape and scale of the building, and the other to the detail of its chameleonic façades. The first one has to do with the irregular shape of the volume of the building that was predetermined by the planning of the site. Based on this, we realised that by projecting a simple rectangular composition on the main façade facing west in the style of the painter Piet Mondrian, the rectangle of the upper floors could float on the base. The terrace that remained between the two rectangles could become an ideal space for the company's outdoor social activities. The lower rectangle, on the other hand, could be detailed on a more human scale in contrast to the metropolitan scale of the upper rectangle. The second one raises the various solutions that could be adopted in terms of the orientation of the façades. The narrow north-facing façade, which overlooks Diagonal Avenue, did not require any protective elements and could be made entirely of glass. On the other hand, the long west-facing façade had to be protected from the heat and the intense light of the afternoon sun. For this, brise-soleils were placed on each floor, and screen-printed glass screens, which protect the slightly tinted glass of the horizontal windows, which introduce a more human relationship with the street. On the narrow south façade, horizontal terraces prevent the vertical penetration of the midday sun. The east façade, sheltered by the office building located ten metres away, did not need solar protection. Another factor that was taken into account was the reference to the industrial past of the neighbourhood, expressed through the simple structural frame with white aluminum profiles and light-coloured ceramic panels, alluding to the few brick factories still existing today.
  64. Disseny Hub Barcelona

    MBM Arquitectes, Oriol Bohigas i Guardiola, Oriol Capdevila i Arús, Francesc Gual i Traginé, David Mackay, Josep Maria Martorell i Codina

    Disseny Hub Barcelona

    The building is made up of two parts: one which is underground (taking advantage of the change in level caused by the urbanisation of Les Glòries Square) and another one that emerges above the +14.50 m level. The latter is a parallelepiped cut on biases with the same width as Àvila Street, so that it acts as an end and an indicator of the relations between the Eixample and the square without closing the views of the large central park. The underground deck has the treatment and use of public space, related, therefore, to the future Les Glòries Square project. The green carpet is one of the primary components and has been made with natural elements that guarantee sustainability and easy maintenance. The luminous graphics and the pergola complement the urban square located on the other side of the building, next to Meridiana Avenue. The bar restaurant is exteriorised at level +6.98 m, and offers an attraction to the public space. The lake is a compositional underline that links the various levels. The Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN), once the building has been processed, has issued the energy qualification certificate with an A classification.
  65. Mostres d'Arquitectura (Barcelona)

    Shortlisted. Category: Edificis d'Habitatges Plurifamiliars de Promoció Privada
    La Torre Blanca

Archive (14)

  • Grup Escolar Baró de Viver


    Grup Escolar Baró de Viver

    © Fons Col·leccions / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Grup Escolar El Timbaler del Bruc


    Grup Escolar El Timbaler del Bruc

    © Fons Col·leccions / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Illa de Cases Pallars


    Illa de Cases Pallars

    © Fons Col·leccions / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Alçat de la xemeneia del recinte dels Habitatges Can Folch.


    Alçat de la xemeneia del recinte dels Habitatges Can Folch.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Alçat dels Habitatges Can Folch.


    Alçat dels Habitatges Can Folch.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Perspectiva de la piscina exterior de l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.


    Perspectiva de la piscina exterior de l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Perspectives de l'Escola Municipal de Vela


    Perspectives de l'Escola Municipal de Vela

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Esbós de la Coberta de l'Escola Municipal de Vela


    Esbós de la Coberta de l'Escola Municipal de Vela

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Esbós de la pèrgola d'accés als magatzems de l'Escola Municipal de Vela.


    Esbós de la pèrgola d'accés als magatzems de l'Escola Municipal de Vela.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Persperctiva de l'interior d'una aula de l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.


    Persperctiva de l'interior d'una aula de l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Perspectiva de l'accés a l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.


    Perspectiva de l'accés a l'Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Perspectiva de l'interior de Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.


    Perspectiva de l'interior de Institut Ramon Berenguer IV.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Alçat de l'accés a l'Escola Municipal de Vela.


    Alçat de l'accés a l'Escola Municipal de Vela.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

  • Perspectiva del conjunts del Pla d'Ordenació de la Vila Olímpica i del Port Olímpic.


    Perspectiva del conjunts del Pla d'Ordenació de la Vila Olímpica i del Port Olímpic.

    © Fons MBM / Arxiu Històric del COAC

Audiovisual (7)

  • TV3 - Divendres - Oriol Bohigas, impulsor del museu Disseny Hub BCN


    TV3 - Divendres - Oriol Bohigas, impulsor del museu Disseny Hub BCN

  • El matí - Oriol Bohigas, vist per dos deixebles


    El matí - Oriol Bohigas, vist per dos deixebles

  • Entrevista a Oriol Bohigas


    Entrevista a Oriol Bohigas

  • Elogio de la luz #09: Oriol Bohigas, pasión por la ciudad


    Elogio de la luz #09: Oriol Bohigas, pasión por la ciudad

  • TV3 - Els Matins - Oriol Bohigas: "A Barcelona li falta un canvi d'orientació del turisme"


    TV3 - Els Matins - Oriol Bohigas: "A Barcelona li falta un canvi d'orientació del turisme"

  • Cicle "Ateneistes singulars": Oriol Bohigas


    Cicle "Ateneistes singulars": Oriol Bohigas

  • ORIOL BOHIGAS Fundación Arquia


    ORIOL BOHIGAS Fundación Arquia

Bibliography (200)

Routes & Notes (14)


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